Hello Bitcoiners
I want to share a python based solo bitcoin miner which uses ckpool. You can use other pools as well if you want. It is basically like a lottery which has extremly low chances to win but it can be used as a proof of concept. Maybe it has already been shared somewhere and I do not remember its true origin so cannot give proper reference.
You can make changes as you want. This code can help users understand true basics of mining bitcoins.
Installing DependenciesYou must have python. Try with old versions first.
Install dependencies with
pip install hashlib
pip install binascii
If any dependency is missing you can use pip install DependencyName.
Code# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import socket
import json
import hashlib
import binascii
from pprint import pprint
import random
address = 'YourBitcoinAddress'
nonce = hex(random.randint(0,2**32-1))[2:].zfill(8)
host = 'solo.ckpool.org'
port = 3333
#host = 'pool.mainnet.bitcoin-global.io'
#port = 9223
def main():
print("address:{} nonce:{}".format(address,nonce))
print("host:{} port:{}".format(host,port))
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
#server connection
sock.sendall(b'{"id": 1, "method": "mining.subscribe", "params": []}\n')
lines = sock.recv(1024).decode().split('\n')
response = json.loads(lines[0])
sub_details,extranonce1,extranonce2_size = response['result']
#authorize workers
sock.sendall(b'{"params": ["'+address.encode()+b'", "password"], "id": 2, "method": "mining.authorize"}\n')
#we read until 'mining.notify' is reached
response = b''
while response.count(b'\n') < 4 and not(b'mining.notify' in response):
response += sock.recv(1024)
#get rid of empty lines
responses = [json.loads(res) for res in response.decode().split('\n') if len(res.strip())>0 and 'mining.notify' in res]
job_id,prevhash,coinb1,coinb2,merkle_branch,version,nbits,ntime,clean_jobs \
= responses[0]['params']
target = (nbits[2:]+'00'*(int(nbits[:2],16) - 3)).zfill(64)
print('nbits:{} target:{}\n'.format(nbits,target))
# extranonce2 = '00'*extranonce2_size
extranonce2 = hex(random.randint(0,2**32-1))[2:].zfill(2*extranonce2_size) # create random
coinbase = coinb1 + extranonce1 + extranonce2 + coinb2
coinbase_hash_bin = hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(binascii.unhexlify(coinbase)).digest()).digest()
print('coinbase:\n{}\n\ncoinbase hash:{}\n'.format(coinbase,binascii.hexlify(coinbase_hash_bin)))
merkle_root = coinbase_hash_bin
for h in merkle_branch:
merkle_root = hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(merkle_root + binascii.unhexlify(h)).digest()).digest()
merkle_root = binascii.hexlify(merkle_root).decode()
#little endian
merkle_root = ''.join([merkle_root[i]+merkle_root[i+1] for i in range(0,len(merkle_root),2)][::-1])
def noncework():
nonce = hex(random.randint(0,2**32-1))[2:].zfill(8) #hex(int(nonce,16)+1)[2:]
blockheader = version + prevhash + merkle_root + nbits + ntime + nonce +\
# print('blockheader:\n{}\n'.format(blockheader))
hash = hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(binascii.unhexlify(blockheader)).digest()).digest()
hash = binascii.hexlify(hash).decode()
# print('hash: {}'.format(hash))
if(hash[:5] == '00000'): print('hash: {}'.format(hash))
if hash < target :
# if(hash[:10] == '0000000000'):
print('hash: {}'.format(hash))
payload = bytes('{"params": ["'+address+'", "'+job_id+'", "'+extranonce2 \
+'", "'+ntime+'", "'+nonce+'"], "id": 1, "method": "mining.submit"}\n', 'utf-8')
input("Press Enter to continue...")
# else:
# print('failed mine, hash is greater than target')
for k in range(10000000):
print("Finished 10M Search. Regaining Information.")
Edit CodeYou can edit code. Set your Bitcoin address to receive your mining rewards. Set pool host and port. Save code in a .py file.
One of popular solo pool is solo.ckpool.org which has low fee of like 2%. You get 98% of your mining reward.
Run CodeYou can run code by opening command prompt in same folder of file and run command
python FileName.py
Missing Dependencies and errorsAs decribed above you can use pip install command to install any missing dependency. You can google errors and still if you did not find solution maybe your python version is not compatible. Try changing python version.
Future WorkIf you improve this code then share here so others can benefit as well and I will update this code as well.
Honor List for Code ImproversTributeI want to pay tribute to original author of this code. I am not original author.