banned 14 hari itu termasuk masih peringatan
aku masih bingung kenapa kalau penipu ngga di banned tapi kalau spammer malah di ban
contohnya QUickseller tuh
coba baca disini gan
I'am sorry but I don't get it .
"Warning: You are in the Gambling section. You are likely to eventually lose any money that you gamble/"invest". Additionally, moderators do not remove likely scams. You must use your own brain: caveat emptor. Do not gamble more than you can afford to lose."
We got it . staff members don't remove likely scams .. But how about scams ? BTC-Flow is a full pure 100% scam => , OP didn't connect since one week and anyone who invested didn't get his money back as the website claimed .
I don't see how this is a likely scam . Its a confirmed scam and should be removed .
~ Madness
No, because the staff members don't moderate the scam. It is a simple rule "Caveat emptor" (
Maksudnya apa om kata kata diatas, aku belum bisa menangkap
kalau scam itu tanggung jawab kita sendiri gitu yak?