@calvinstm, awesome work, thanks a lot for working on things.
@qora, good luck and thanks for all you did, Qora has HUGE potential. Come back when you can
Thank you
Just doing what I can to support the project.
Good news - I just managed to compile qora wallet (Upgrade JDK to 8.0 and MapDB to the latest version)...
So I'm going to publish
a step-by-step guide on how to compile your own wallet. The goal of this guide is to help get newbie developers started (also for people who are interested in building/creating their own wallets).
1. Grab a copy of
Eclipse IDE for Java Developers -
https://www.eclipse.org/downloads/2. To compile qora source code, make sure you have the latest
Java JDK installed (8.0).. Currently, qora only supports JRE 7, but we want to use the latest JRE.
3. Next, we want to clone qora's github repository to your local harddrive.. Before we can do that, we must start up Eclipse and create a default workspace for Eclipse.
4. Go to Eclipse menu:
File -> Import -> Git -> Projects from Git, then
Clone URI, URI:
https://github.com/Qoracoin/Qora... and fill out rest of info, and it will automatically download qora's source code to your harddrive..
5. Now you might see an build error JAVA-SE 1.7 not found... It's because qora was set up to use earlier version of Java 7.0 Environment... We want to use the latest Java Runtime Environment instead (8.0). So in the Project Panel, right-click Qora/src, and go to the last item Properties.
6. What we need to do is to change the JAVA Build Path. Under
Java Build Path panel, go to the
Libraries tab, and change
JRE System Library to
JavaSE-1.8. There, you can also swap out the MapDB library and change it to
the latest version 1.0.7 as suggested by kushti..
7. Okay! Now you're all set! Now it's time to take Qora Wallet for a test drive! Go to
Run -> Run and choose to run it as a Java application! You will see that your newly upgraded Qora Wallet is actually working!
8. Finally, we want to export all our work into a runnable application! Go to
File -> Export -> Java -> Runnable JAR File, and select the directory where you want to save your new Qora Wallet!! (For instance, I saved my wallet as Qora.jar).
9. Simply replace the Jar file in the original Qora installlation (don't forget to update your windows batch file to use the latest JRE Java executable).
And Voila! You've got
a brand new Qora wallet that use the latest Java Runtime Environment and NEVER crash! Hurray!
A BIG WARNING: For your own safety, please NEVER download Qora Wallet posted by someone other than the official Qora developer. This guide is only made for people who cannot wait to have a new Qora wallet that uses the latest database engine and JRE. If you're looking for official wallet, please wait for one that is either released by Qora dev or AT team.