And I would request that you publish a full list of all accounts that you've ever posted with on this forum and keep us updated when you acquire new ones.
You're a known liar, account farmer/trader/puppeteer, and scammer, so you shouldn't be surprised when these things are brought up in the context of asking to be trusted with a function that can be abused. We can keep an eye on you if you're appointed, but on the other hand - why bother scraping the bottom of the barrel when there are non-scammer applications still pending.
I do not think you suchmoon can bring these points up to prevent QS when you enable and support people who are proven liars, scam pushers, sock puppet sig spammers, probable extortionists who got busted and trust abusers on to DT directly? Actually you support/include ALL of them onto DT.
Thanks for again demonstrating clear double standards when it suits you, what an excellent member you are.
This post is highly relevant and on topic because it demonstrates that a counter argument and criticism to quicksellers application is invalid/ disingenuous coming from this member suchmoon, the readers of this thread must understand that suchmoons motives for denying QS are not because he wishes dishonest people kept from merit source and dt but rather only those that he does not collude directly with.
These things are very important to consider when you are reviewing such an application. It is fine to put up a reason for supporting or denying but these reasons will come under scrutiny when people want to reach the optimal solution.