this the interweb, until it becomes the quantic space... so your little conception dating of before the christ with your little so called contract you can keep your history... However if you read a little bit about how real ALTs were discussed (bashed) here you will see that the "sacred" of blockchain and how the protocol was made implied 1mb, 10m halving + the tx fees... some have builds their biz on the expectations of the fees... you know the I will change it to make it better, remember me the ennemy of the US constitution... for the people, for your own good, for the better, for the common good... blah blah. too stupid to invent the blockchain and the btc, but sure, smart enough to change what let us already once to the moon...
I do not follow everything you are saying, but as to this statement:
At least that is what they told the community. (If there was a community back in 2010). So it was not "implied".
As to:
Only exchanges are making money on fees and that is a fee for trading, which is entirely different.