I will answer you the question:
About time:
you can only spent few seconds every 20 hours.(the time it takes to claim)
How much money can I earn if I spend only few seconds a day?
About earning:
It depends on how much you have invested for free.
It depends how you have invested for free.
Invested for free? What is that? If you don't invest money it is not investment.
Each member earns differently because he manages differently.
Lets say someone is doing perfect score at your site.
How much money such user is earning each day?
But the questionS should be different:
Not at all.
Is the system U2 funny for you?
If not,I advise to stay away.
We are talking about money here, not fun. I don't care if it's funny or not as long it brings me money. Saying that someone should stay away from earning money because it is not fun is stupid.
Is it worth to spend few minutes per week for this fun?
How much money can I earn if I spend only few minutes a week?
You can only estimate because even myself do not know it exactly.
You should know that because it is your site.
I just know about the past...like you.
What's that supposed to mean?
You have so much information...some people here say it is confuse...no just much information.
I am asking simple question.
You said that only few seconds a day is required to earn money. How much money can I earn if I spend few seconds a day on your site?
Jesus. Is it so hard to answer my question?
Even Jesus could not answer you because it is changing all the day and you have 5 choices...and each choice gives you different earning.
You ask me to answer what you can see on the site explained with over 50 pages.
After each claim you are a little more owner of the U2 system...
you earn after each claim un bonus in voucher...it depends what you do with the vouchers...
when you claim you can win the jackpot...I do not know if you win...
You get when possible 1/°° dividend...if you have zero capital you earn nothing...if you have 100000 satoshi in capital,you get 100 satoshi.
etc...etc...and you want from me a simple answer???
You spend only time.
So you have invested for free(the shares are offered when you claim...(to answer you it is for free...I just spend time)
You can re-invest from your earning...
You can sell your shares for real satoshi...
To start I offer voucher worth 3000 satoshi and 500 satoshi pending payout.
Each member manages it differently,so each member earns differently.
5 claim options...each members claims differently...and believe it is the best option...
Every thing is market regulated...