Why is
digaran allowed to troll members of this forum?
Forum rules clearly says:
3. No trolling.Source:
3. No trolling.
That is a seriously difficult question to answer.
Since trolling isn't in the conventional dictionary I looked at I had to go to the most popular urban dictionary definition:
art of
deliberately, cleverly, and
secretly pissing people off, usually via the
internet, using
One would have to say that digaran is doing the following:
? Art - art is very subjective. I'm not sure if I am qualified enough in the art of trolling to answer that.
? Deliberately - one could argue that he is doing it as a response rather than doing it for the Lulz. Probably deliberate.
☒ Cleverly - I doubt that any of the people that accuse him of trolling would say it is done cleverly. So you'd have to admit that it is clever.
☒ Secretly - it isn't much of a secret that he is pissing people off
☑ Pissing people off
☑ Via the internet
☑ Using dialogue
But he will probably claim that he is counter-trolling.