I have often wondered about the people who have lost a lot in gambling and who almost loose in every gambling activity they participate. What is their reason or motivation to continue even after so many losses?
Fun! Entertainment!
Why do you spend money to go to the cinema or the bar? Why spend money buying electronic games that certainly don't give you any financial return?
Answer.... to have entertainment.
In the same sense, why should it be any different for gambling?
I honestly still can't believe that there are people who can't see gambling as a form of entertainment. Please... get it into your head that the main purpose of gambling is not to make money.
Obviously everyone plays with the intention of making money, this is one of the objectives of the game, but it shouldn't be the main one.
That's why we have so many people addicted to gambling... they don't understand that gambling should be a moment of leisure and not a means of making money.