I'm not a guy who cries wolf easily and only discovered that one of my Singles is throttling down frequently after zefir's post.
I am, however, in the process of phasing out all GPU rigs (in fact, just a few minutes ago I turned off my 2nd GPU rig for good, leaving only one rig running now).
Even with only one GPU rig running as we speak, this one "problem Single" is throttling down to about 500 MH/s quite frequently, right now, for instance, to 544 MH/s, and I may request a replacement unit at some point in time, after turning off the final GPU rig and after measuring the room temperature.
BTW, CGminer shows the "problem Single's" temperature at only 50 or 51 degrees Celsius, while the other good unit one foot away from it shows 64 degrees and mines along happily. So it seems to me that this "problem Single" may actually be throttling unnecessarily, or overly aggressively. By any chance, is there a trim pot inside by means of which an END USER could adjust the throttling threshold? Or is the throttling threshold error based like in the ZTEX design?
Just now I looked at the CGminer panel - the "problem Single" was at 823 MH/s and 53 degrees, whereupon it started throttling again. I don't deem 53 degrees a dangerous chip temperature and thus I'm really wondering what's going on here...
There are several factors involved, but the bottom line is that if it throttles in an ambient temperature of 72 degrees Fahrenheit than we'll gladly replace the unit. If you're just curious as to the inner workings and want to know what factors are in play, please contact me in private and I'll do my best to answer your questions.