Just spent few minutes renaming everything from Tenebrix to Fairbrix (alongside with some other stuff to differentiate it from Tenebrix)
https://github.com/Matoking/TenebrixTime well spent.
And no, I have no idea if this will work. I'll try it and see if it explodes in a nuclear fireball. (pretty unlikely but would be kinda cool if it happened)
Assertion fail.
No nuclear fireball.
Sad face.
It can be tricky. Worry not, I'm on the case and the fork will be made in about a day or so (I'm kinda caught up in a whole pile o stuff now)
Good. Hopefully it will be supported like Tenebrix.
Well, obviously I won't be doing techsupport in the forums (I have tenebrix and gg to cater to, and I have about two eyes and two hands, a job, a side-job and a GF. Only so much a single Lolcust can) and negotiating with exchanges and other such thingies is up to michael as well.
Also, I won't be doing code maintenance (not that I'm good at it), but given that TBX and this will share codebase, it will be a question of michael copypasting any kewl Tenebrix tweaks into his code (and TBX is opensource)
I'll mine this like I mined tenebrix seeing that i still like it's qualities even without the laundry. I still think tenebrix with a laundry > tenebrix without one though.
Diversifying investments ? Wise