is there any How-To available which explains in detail how to setup an own block explorer? I have few full-nodes running out there and I'd like to test this as a side-project of a local full-node. Currently I'm using the data files of LoyceV which I'm very satisfied with. But as mentioned before, it requires regularly downloading those huge files. So I'm looking forward to hear some helpful tips how to setup my own block explorer which I could use for querying addresses. I also did not understand why I would need an SPV or Electrum server for that purpose ?
Own block explorer can be set up as a tree, if you want to search shortly. Adding keys would be fast.
It could be stored in the same format as in memory (a dump) and loaded when you need to use it.
However it would take tons of memory to provide good (quick) results.
Another way is to use indexed MySQL or MS SQL database.
You would load all the private keys and public addresses to it and then use it as a reference for all the blockchain.
Surely there can be no private keys for corresponding public addresses, but also they can exist (if you need to).
Or you can script the current Bitcoin Core data folder, that is BerkeleyDB, for example in Python and use it the same way.
All the same is for transactions and BTC amount.
It can be done.
In result - with some effort - it is easier to get all public addresses with or without balances and grep through it.
That is enough for me.