I would speculate that this is QS's biggest frustration right now. I do suspect that QS is in control of TomatoCage, and he likely resurrected the account with hopes of landing a sig campaign, or selling the account for a decent sum. There's nothing more frustrating that someone attacking your source of income, and QS probably feels that suchmoon is doing just that.
I'm not sure how much you know about Quicksy's fall from grace but
NLP played a big part in it. His recent references to "junk science" made me think that he's concerned I might out his alts so he's trying to discredit me and my methods preemptively. Except that what I'm doing only broadly falls into the same category as tspacepilot's methods like cars and skateboards fall into the "things with wheels" category. Don't tell him that though, let him sweat
Perhaps he should keep his assumptions to himself?
TBH I don't particularly mind him posting his assumptions and making an
ass of himself except when he starts derailing unrelated threads... this subject was starting to reach into cryptohunter-level crosstrolling.
Weird how none of the regular characters complaining about bickering thread spam are here objecting. Funny how that works.
Well, you're here so the hope is not lost.
Let's deal with the observable instances here 1. Snitchmoon (the fat slob) certainly does try and weaponize this " copy and paste " crap to silence or ban people. After cryptohunter had broken suchmoons fragile mind in public and she went full retard screaming out mad statements like
"most pre merit legends are spammers"
" It is idiotic and incorrect to say that some of the 99.87% of the board can create posts as good or better than some of the posts made by the 0.13%"
then after screaming about the validity and value of the merit system THEN goes on to debunk her entire argument by saying that "good poster" / " bad poster" are meaningless terms without clear criteria and definition.
Merit score, a valuable and reliable MEANINGLESS metric. lol thanks suchmoron that was worth 3 threads of you looking foolish.
After being made to look full retard several times by cryptohunter, suchmoon VIA a handy sockpuppet ScumBuster (suchmoon was the first to note the report had been made by scumbuster and seemed very happy and is usually super critical of PUPPET accounts but seemed very supportive of ScumBuster) reported 2 copy and pastes
a/ was a report made to assist cryptohunter demonstrate clearly darkcoin was instamined super hard (which his pal lauda was lying about saying he was on the launch and there was no premine). This report was on the top of every dark coin scam thread.
b/ a post by THE DASH GUY (a prior dash whale ) LOL who obviously was not cryptohunter but suchmoon is so brain dead it did not realize that everyone knew that was the case since cryptohunter was the one to reveal the premine first and start the wave of scam threads that went on for months.
I mean to try and turn this
key effort that won the board a $ 2 000 000 000 compensation offer in to a net negative for this board is again all the evidence you need to clearly demonstrate suchmoon is a piece of net negative dirt for this board. Only a complete fucking moron like suchmoon would try to spin a $ 2 000 000 000 dollar compensation offer started by one person who was the main force behind the offer as a net negative.
As cryptohunter claimed and perhaps correctly so HIS effort allowed Bitcoin to remain untouched on spot 1 since even accounting for the fact that darkcoin became synonymous with PREMINE SCAM and pushed away a huge proportion of investors it still reached number 2 for quite some time. NET NEGATIVE BAN HIM LOL. Was suchmoron a DARKCOIN miner and supporter at any point we wonder??
2. Suchblob now seems be crying about quickseller in many threads. Claiming she is so upset because qs is a LIAR?? oh really well we have not seen these lies? but SUCHMOON has NO PROBLEM WITH LIARS or SCAMMERS she knows full well LAUDA is a liar and SCAMMER and still includes them and enables them on to DT. Sounds strange doesn't it? hates SOME liars? she includes several people that are observable untrustworthy because IT SUITS HER AGENDA.
3. Suchmoon now starts trolling trolling. Claiming the true legend cryptohunter was cross trolling - Let's see suchmoron present the observable instances of trolling here for analysis. . Else she will become bitcointalks number 2 trolling trolling troll and LIAR.
You are not doing the board any service snitchmoon. You are simply a fat ugly piece of worthless dirt. In RL you are obviously sidelined and rejected by every single person that gets anywhere near you. So you spend your life here being caustic and snitching on anyone for minor copy and paste infractions. Even when there is NO financial motive.
To recap. You are a waste of space here. Your treatment in RL is due to your own lack of exercise and poor diet combined with unfortunate genetic code. Get on the treadmill, cut out the lard, and try to be more happy in your REAL LIFE.
Cleaning up the board LOL - you are enabling the biggest scammers and liars here to gain access to positions of trust. You are NET NEGATIVE and a sneaky double standards dishonest piece of shit.
Excellent member hahahhahhaaha. Theymos is out of his mind. You are about as much use here as the merit and trust system. Excellent systems.
Suchmoon is simply another LFC bitcoin with a slightly sharper mind. Not by much either.
Ban deceptive sneaky shit stains like suchmoon if you want to get rid of the most net negative dregs here.
Regarding QS i would like to see a comparison between whatever he is meant to have done wrong with LAUDA your pal and DT inclusion. We never heard of QS before coming to meta but plenty of people are well aware LAUDA is a lying scamming dirt bag.
All this whack a mole copy and paste crap will do nothing. If there is no financial motive it is a NON issue and pathetic to worry about it when on the other hand you are happy to include liars and scammers on DT.
It seems totally reasonable to me that you would not report a copy and paste by lauda, you scream about other liars but give lauda a DT inclusion for lying and scamming.
Just face it snitchmoon. You have been crushed in debate and made to look retarded. Your double standards and untrustworthy selective whining and snitching is clear for all to see. Your picture was posted and it was disturbing. You have been caught out crying about others posting PM's and when YOU HAVE DONE THIS previously. NET NEGATIVE.
Delete your account already.