
Topic: Quote Of The Day (Read 5836 times)

Activity: 1
Merit: 250
August 15, 2016, 11:26:49 AM
By the 2020's, XMR:BTC will be at around a 20:1 ratio.  You heard it here first.
- americanpegasus
Activity: 1
Merit: 250
August 14, 2016, 09:26:26 AM
It is an under-appreciated advantage of Cryptonote that these transactions are significantly smaller and more efficient than Bitcoin.
- smooth
Activity: 1
Merit: 250
August 09, 2016, 03:05:19 PM
#bitcoin will not be a force for good in the free market because it is the facebook of coins, centralized with no anonymity, but maybe #xmr
- Jeff ‏@ampernand
Activity: 1
Merit: 250
August 08, 2016, 03:45:57 PM
xmr is the most undervalued alt

eth is the most overvalued alt.

pretty simple  Cool
- bitowl
Activity: 1
Merit: 250
August 05, 2016, 04:49:31 PM
Cryptonote has introduced an essential technology that was missing from bitcoin.  Bitcoin established 3/4 of the needed technology, cryptonote (of which Monero is probably the best representative at this point) filled in the missing 1/4 with two issues: anonymity/untraceability and the associated fungible and non-reversible coins as no-one can target an "enemy".  Monero also solved secondary issues such as block length and block reward, but that is not what makes it unique.   It is the distributed anonymity that is the key element that pure bitcoin technology is missing, and that DASH could only solve by re-centralization.
- dinofelis
Activity: 1
Merit: 250
August 03, 2016, 04:16:11 AM
All Bitfinex Customers were KYC/AMLd. Now they've been robbed, what will the government do for them? Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch.
- Beautyon_
Activity: 1
Merit: 250
July 31, 2016, 03:41:55 AM

Meanwhile in the Garden of Monero, large well-maintained hedges are a perfect choice for overall peace of mind, as well as providing privacy and security from snooping neighbours.

When the world burns around you, don't settle for anything less.
- rangedriver
Activity: 1
Merit: 250
July 26, 2016, 10:08:40 AM
What makes this attack so significant is that it actually proves Satoshi Nakamoto incorrect. A decentralized proof of work blockchain is not enough to prevent the reversal of transactions, since in this case the attack was carried out by persuasion. Ethereum does not have a serious miner concentration issue, in fact it has one of the highest degrees of miner decentralization among POW crypto currencies.

I urge the reader to  read Satoshi Nakamoto's paper again to understand why Bitcoin was created in the first place. Then one can understand why this Ethereum fork is so profound.
- ArticMine
Activity: 1
Merit: 250
July 25, 2016, 03:30:04 AM
BTC is digital gold. LTC is digital silver. ETH is digital oil controlled by OPEC. ETC is digital oil without OPEC.
- Charlie Lee
Activity: 1
Merit: 250
July 23, 2016, 08:43:29 PM
Technologically, we were only interested in Ethereum, yet we did not invest. Actually, after a more detailed assessment, I am in doubt that we will. We are also interested in Monero. Its creators, at least, have made a technologically real great thing that makes this project more valuable when compared to bitcoin. We like it. That’s all I guess.
- Anatoliy Knyazev
Activity: 1
Merit: 250
July 22, 2016, 01:17:30 PM
Code is law or code is sudden consensus? Ethereum should change its name to 'deus ex machine coin'.
- TDevD ‏@SamouraiDev
Activity: 1
Merit: 250
July 21, 2016, 12:52:08 PM
The socialists, democracy boosters and crony capitalists who have been promoting Bitcoin have been weaving the rope that will hang them.
- @Beautyon_
Activity: 1
Merit: 250
July 20, 2016, 02:31:39 PM
Due to the absence of effective fungibility for bitcoins, all bitcoins are traceable back to their coinbase transactions. A taint-tracing service could allow a community of bitcoin users to agree to consider coins created in "empty" blocks to be less valuable than those created in normal blocks.
This would allow for retrospective punishment of the antisocial miner and those unlucky or unwise enough to accept their coins at face value.

- ByteCoin
Activity: 1
Merit: 250
July 19, 2016, 10:35:59 AM
This is quite likely and the first spike may not be that far, as people are starting to wise up to the fact that a PUBLIC ledger is the last place they want to be holding assets in a crisis, as all is there on a platter for an all-grabbing failed state to tax/confiscate.
It is not a coincidence that neither Greece, nor Cyprus adopted Bitcoin en-masse and didn't even have a marked increase in usage during their times of crisis - people are not that dumb as to show off their money in public in a crisis. On the contrary, one would be quite keen on a store of value, which is as invisible and hard to track as possible - in other words Monero. I think the first spike might look something like the wising up of the market about the potential of steem tokens, only with Monero it would be much more justified.
- skitalo
Activity: 1
Merit: 250
July 18, 2016, 09:01:57 AM
Immutability in this context will make anyone who is long (or short) an anonymous coin not neutral. That would include among other coins Monero. For this reason I do not consider myself neutral here, even though I do not hold any ETH or DAO.

Edit: A hard fork to change the ownership of coins is next to impossible to pull of with Monero since it would break any subsequent transactions that used the tainted coins as a mixin.
- ArticMine
Activity: 1
Merit: 250
July 17, 2016, 01:52:22 PM
When the GUI + Multisig + RingCT trifecta hits, the world will never be the same.  100% fungible e-cash will usher an era of egalitarian financial sovereignty, as Monero democratizes access to goods/services/privileges previously reserved for 0.01%-er plutocrats.
Activity: 1
Merit: 250
July 16, 2016, 12:25:31 PM
Twodollah twodollah twodollah
- birr
Activity: 1
Merit: 250
July 15, 2016, 10:38:42 AM
The tail emission in Monero, which is under 1% and is simple not compounded, is a very small price to pay in order to have a coin that can scale to meet the market demand for transactions. By the way the inflation rate in Monero will be below the historical inflation rate for gold, and gold is considered the time tested "gold standard" for hard money that retains its value over time. 

Edit: Trying to be better than gold in the eyes of Austrian economics is proving to be a serious design flaw of Bitcoin.   
- ArticMine
Activity: 1
Merit: 250
July 14, 2016, 06:08:31 PM

I am not satisfied even to 100 usd/XMR price.

- TrueCryptonaire
Activity: 1
Merit: 250
July 13, 2016, 06:20:53 AM
My view is that botnets "dominating" mining, after working out reasonable assumptions about hash rate of the network and of bot nodes, would require many hundreds of thousands to millions of botnet nodes and if that were going on, it would have a huge visibility footprint. Since no such thing is visible, it almost certainly isn't happening. Smaller botnets exist.

Better direct link to evidence that an agenda was behind the false claims of botnets dominating the mining:
- smooth_xmr
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