I don't see too much chance for some sort of "racial reconciliation". Racism is a good business on all levels. The political elite often exploiting ethnic tensions to keep us divided, distracted and/or get more votes (e.g.: "If you want a nigger for a neighbour, vote Labour").
Racism kills people, you dumb shit. How old are you? Who let you on the internet?
Let me go get the mirror for you before you started slinging more rocks around. See most people can talk without calling people names or at least do it in a more intelligent way.
For some one that claims to write for a living, I question the product you offer.
Racism is a fact of life and the more people acknowledge they have racist views the more we can work on it.
Its actually engrained in our brains to dislike those that are different and we all have it to some extent due to survival back when someone from a different tribe could harm you.
Its the reptile brain we can thank for this.
If we continue to blame and throw accusations then you get stuck in the same cycle and get nothing out of it.
You're spending a lot of time bothering me too. You're not defending anyone. You're stalking a black woman around the board because you don't like that she talks plainly to guys who don't give a fuck about their own privilege. Your ability to interpret what is harmful is compromised by your own prejudice against women and inability to understand white supremacy. We don't stop racism by not talking about it. We stop racism by telling people they're being stupid and harmful. Forcing a minority to set aside their own feelings around racism to be express themselves in a more acceptable way is the definition of privilege and extremely violent.
You don't understand it so you think I'm being mean.
I should promote you to promotoer just like TECSHARE.
You reach for points,lets break this down and I will ignore the first 2 sentences.
You're stalking a black woman around the board because you don't like that she talks plainly to guys who don't give a fuck about their own privilege.You attempt to personalize to much in agruments. Why bring up sex or race in this manner,its like saying if you have not been through x you can not understand why I am the way I am. It allows you to carry on in this way without any one calling you on the b.s!
You presume every one here that has a opposing view to you is white and privledged,this may be another attempt to discredit in your mind a view that makes sense but is opposing to you. Think its a bias you should look at.
Your ability to interpret what is harmful is compromised by your own prejudice against women and inability to understand white supremacy.How do you know what my view of women could be,you jump down every ones throat because you think you are entitled to being this way.
No need to even address the white supremacy aspect since we are unable to get by the fact you write off every ones views.
We don't stop racism by not talking about it.
Is this what you are doing or are you looking for fights? Talking is one thing but you start cursing as soon as some one disagrees.
We stop racism by telling people they're being stupid and harmful.
That has always gone well through out history,telling people they are dumb really brings them around. Harmful yes but you lose them when you slag them.
Forcing a minority to set aside their own feelings around racism to be express themselves in a more acceptable way is the definition of privilege and extremely violent. No one is telling people here to set aside their feelings,if anything you are circling the issue and closing off discussion by making it personal.
You are a firecracker in many aspects,you come into this forum hot looking for trouble and want to change people you have taken little time to get to know.
If the people here are so twisted why stay,move on and enjoy life. Its to short.
You don't understand it so you think I'm being mean.
Of course I do not understand your perception of the world. I think you are quick to anger for sure and I can only take being called a idiot so many times before I forget to say Uhmmmm and move on.