No Beggers!
Please stop this, its arrogant and you shouldnt do this. Not sure how much this coin is related to you, but this would be a reason not to invest in it later on.
You are doing here a promotional job, and if people are willing to support it by putting there are adress here you should be glade people think its worth doing so.
Do not degrade people by this. Just because you got lucky and already are longer in the mining buseness than others are. I am sure if some people get rich enough to by them some mining rigs they will do and maybe you need some coins than. and hopefully they are the person who will support you. and even not, they will start to support you by telling other people to mine this coin.
so please consider this and stay nice. You do not have to send them the coins but you also do not need to be rude. Even if some might think its funny.
take it as a feedback or leave it.
ahhh and yes if you are not to offened send me some coins F5vQAbHqybi1ZybKZC3w9PNHuKMpZLEpMX
Mate, it was to a specific person.I will send you some coins anyways! 25 coins for your effort of typing this!
Slaxt, I'm sorry, but it wasn't just to a specific person.
1) you wrote "NO BEGGERS" (sic!) in your OP in the biggest font, in bright red. Again, in your OPENING POST.
2) you rudely repeated "NO BEGGERS" (sic!) in reply to dr_yan_yan on the first page. What did he write to deserve that? "Give them to me, because my address is Awesome!!" (He had a vanity address that started with "Frank".) Apparently, that joke was above your head and you took it way too seriously.
3) dr_yan_yan replied and said that he was only showing off his vanity address. That's all he said, and he added "haha" to it, just in case you didn't catch the drift. So what did you do? You replied, again, in a most rude way and wrote "Let me make this clear for you. NO BEGGING". The latter two words were again in a big, fat, red font.
After reading that, I already figured you must be a very unpleasant person, and I wanted to call you out for it just like Crypto-Freak did... but I decided against it because hey, this is a free place and I have no right to drop in your thread and take a shit on it, even if you're being a complete asshole. So instead, I decided to only give you a hint by making fun of your spelling errors... easy target.
Shortly after my post, you edited all your posts where you had written BEGGER and corrected your spelling. You left the big red fat font size in place, though. Go look at the Google cache version*. At the time of this writing, it still shows your rude OP (now deleted) and your third (now also deleted) rude post. You must have deleted your second rude post before this cache snapshot was taken, as it's not showing here anymore. But dr_yan_yan's quote contains that post, even though he lost the big fat red formatting in the quote.
So shortly after
that, you decided to delete all your rude posts after all... guess you got the message eventually. Better late insight than forever an asshole, amirite?
NOW, when Crypto-Freak takes the time to give you some well-meant, polite advice... what do you do? You are being a dirty liar. Nevermind that you opened the goddamn thread with "NO BEGGERS" (sic!) in font size 8000, or that you harassed dr_yan_yan in the rudest way - twice. No, now you also lie through your teeth about it.
I normally just ignore idiots like you, but you are being such an incredible asshole about it that I just had to make this post. An honest and right response on your part would have been to say something along the lines of "yeah bud I might have gone overboard with that, took it off now, thanks for the input". You wouldn't even have to spell out that you're sorry. Just acknowledging the feedback would have sufficed.
Or, in case you disagree with him and me, you could have made and defended your position. That actually requires you to have balls though... or, you know, integrity. It would have made people respect you, even though your opinion is not our opinion. I would still have thought that you're an idiot for ridiculing people that way, but hey, at least I would have had a tiny bit of respect for you.
But no. Instead, you decide to lie about it all and play it down and even bribe the guy, perhaps to clean your conscience, or perhaps because you think people who have been paid (even if it's some worthless "coin") tend to shut up more easily. That tells me enough about you as a person to turn my back on you in utter disgust. You're a rat.
...a rat that has the audacity to call others beggars. Unbelievable.
* Can't paste Google cache link - copy the thread's URL (first page), go to and type in "cache:", then paste the url after that.