Total of 4 Tickets up for grabs and there will be 1 ticket per block drawn for a total of 4 blocks. One ticket can win several times!
New in this raffle is that after the 4 tickets for main raffle has been drawn we will also draw 4 additional blocks that will award a free ticket in the nextcoming raffleception.
Available Tickets:
1 - dolphriends
2 - anorganix
3 - dolphriends
4 - dolphriends
5 - Wyospl2
6 - Wyospl2
7 - dolphriends
8 - anonymousminer
9 - dolphriends
0 - anorganix
a - anorganix
b - anorganix
c - chronicsky
d - lebnor
e - anorganix
f - anorganix
PPT: 0.0088BTC
Pay To: 3QAfCxcYgMzkpCeNRrg4hiq4YK9bM9sUhG
How we'll play:
Select one of the available tickets in the table above. Each ticket represents a possible last character that can come up in a hash of a block. Once all tickets are taken (and paid for) we'll select 4 blocks that will be mined in the future and use those to determines the winners. One ticket can win several times so there's no re-roll if the same character comes up twice. The first 4 blocks are tickets for the main raffle and the next 4 blocks will be for tickets in the next raffleception.
Best of luck to you!