It will have a fixed supply, that's correct. One decision we made was to not use decimals in the protocol. Decimals in finance are notoriously error prone, fixed point being only slightly better. Imo I don't know why any coin uses decimals.
Obviously these numbers are too big to present to the user. We have a set of SI prefixes, we present the user with Mrai which divides it down by 10^30.
In our design rationale page we listed we wanted to do this number for future-proofing, dealing with lost coins, etc. There was talk of using 64 bits instead of 128 but it represented a 2% change in average block size for a much larger supply. SI dividers
rai::uint128_t const Grai_ratio = rai::uint128_t ("1000000000000000000000000000000000"); // 10^33
rai::uint128_t const Mrai_ratio = rai::uint128_t ("1000000000000000000000000000000"); // 10^30
rai::uint128_t const krai_ratio = rai::uint128_t ("1000000000000000000000000000"); // 10^27
rai::uint128_t const rai_ratio = rai::uint128_t ("1000000000000000000000000"); // 10^24
rai::uint128_t const mrai_ratio = rai::uint128_t ("1000000000000000000000"); // 10^21
rai::uint128_t const urai_ratio = rai::uint128_t ("1000000000000000000"); // 10^18
Colin, this is great, thank you for clearing this. I agree about use of decimals - one of fresh ideas!
I've recalculated coin supply according to published distribution schedule and I can't get to your published percentages - here's what I get:
2^127 170,141,183 47.1%
2^126 85,070,591 23.5%
2^125 42,535,295 11.8%
2^124 21,267,647 5.9%
2^124 21,267,647 5.9%
2^123 10,633,823 2.9%
2^122 5,316,911 1.5%
2^122 5,316,911 1.5%
TOT approx. 361,550,014 100.0%
Your percentages in distribution schedule:
Year 1: 2^127 50%
Year 2: 2^126 25%
Year 3: 2^125 13%
Year 4: 2^124 6.3%
Year 5: 2^124 3.1%
Year 6: 2^123 1.6%
Year 7: 2^122 0.8%
Year 8: 2^122 0.8%
What am I doing wrong? Thanks.
Anyway, there will be max. approx. 360 000 000 MRai - correct ?
First year - there should be approx. 170 000 000 MRai - which distributed from genesis account should amount to +-5MRai/s, +-438100MRai per day - correct ?
I am asking because actual coin supply available at any moment is important metric for the network. Is there any other exact method how to calculate available coin supply real time?
If I look at genesis account - 330 466 529 MRai sits there, so around 30 000 000 MRai has been already distributed to landing and then to faucet account (approx. 5 580 000 MRai sits there atm), so around 24 500 000 MRai has been distributed among other accounts - correct ?
I believe your concept of separate ledgers for accounts and elimination of [wasteful]pow/[rich guy]pos securing the consensus is superior to actual gen of coins in existence atm. Time will tell if it is secure enough against external attacks, but I believe this is the way into future with crypto coins. I know only of other coin that is trying to develop similar concepts, which is eMunie. How would you compare Rai to eMunie ? Is there any other coin being developed similar in concepts ?
Also, I would like to know, what are your short term plans for the Rai ?
Thanks again and good luck to Rai!