I think you missed the quotation marks. But indeed the average online merchant will have no idea what you are talking about when you bring up bitcoin, and if he has, he might well associate bitcoin with drugs, scams, and malware, that is a big part of the problem.
The reason its associated with those things is that people have made Bitcoin appear as though it is nothing but a "drug currency" or "scam". The Gawker article was one of the biggest news pieces to come out about Bitcoin in the last few months. Also, It might help a bit if the "official unofficial" forum wasn't full of FUD all the time. A lot of people (or should I say user names) on this forum spend a disproportionate amount of time trying to discredit Bitcoin (typically new members with very few posts or people with 30+ posts a day). Not to mention that "Allinvain" BS, talk about supertrolling, that did as much damage by being the number 1 Google trended topic related to Bitcoin than the Mt.Gox hack ever did (it really didn't help the 2 were so close together in time right when it was getting popular. Coincidence?).
Bitpay is not the only option for payment on sites...there are many plugins for various types of CMS which allow you to accept BTC for near 0% fees. Then your only fees are Mt.Gox fees and the cost of getting it from Mt.Gox to your bank (Dwolla $.25, even a bank transfer is cheap by the percentage if you transfer enough at a time). If more people talked about those things there would be significantly more people using it to accept payments...not to mention sending money around the world.
People are scared of everything new...I remember 10 years ago my parents (and others) saying they would never do something as stupid as giving a credit card number to a website, now it is commonplace.
More important than the transaction fees is the fact that you cannot do a chargeback...that alone should bring in more merchants (if only it was pointed out more often). Bitcoin to me is as safe (maybe safer) than cash due to the fact that you can encrypt your wallet.dat (and you can easily have multiple wallets offline).
If you think Bitcoin is great (like I do) spend time telling people about it. Use it on your site if you can. Most of all tell people about the good points or your good experiences and don't be a scammer. Let people know that if you use it properly it's as safe as any other form of payment (maybe safer in some ways), if you continually bring up the FUD about malware, scams, and pyramid schemes that's all people will know.
As has been said before, Bitcoin needs to be used for more than just day trading. It needs to be a means of exchange of goods/services also. We are all involved in something very interesting and experimental that could possibly change the way people conduct business online. Fear and greed are the only things that can bring it down.