Definitely not getting it. Bitcoin is backed by the thing that it already is. Backing requires trust. Most people dont get that bitcoin doesnt represent anything. It is the thing.
Its funny the way bitcoin is kind of a litmus test for a certain aptitude.
it is amazing isn't it?
having been involved since the beginning of 2011, i would've thought by now, especially after all the ramps in price and interest, that the general population would be able to comprehend basic Bitcoin principles. nope. sorry. the ignorance displayed everyday astounds me.
we really are still in the early adoption stages.
This really gets to the heart of bitcoin and the misconception most have.
Bitcoin's advantage is that it is a "trustless" system, and does not have any dependencies outside side of itself. Any and all dependencies represent weak points in a system. For example if there was a centralized ledger keeper such a keeper could block your transactions if you are deemed a traitor (example Snowden) or the keeper could effectively steal your wealth by creating more units (FED Reserve).
But society has changed so much over the years that people now think nothing is real unless it is blessed by the government and "backed" by something, but that backing could itself fail. That is the weak point of our credit based system today, everything is backed by promises which ultimately if the FED can't honer will breakdown.
Paul's comments regarding "pegging" bitcoin to something are equally absurd. To "peg" bitcoin to lets say the dollar requires an entity to be able to add and withdraw the supply of bitcoin to match current market demand to keep the peg.
Countries (such as Argentina) have time and time again tried to peg their currencies to the dollar, but the problem is at some point you run out of dollars to maintain the peg and there is a violent market correction. The only way the US Gov could maintain a peg to bitcoin if they have the ability to influence the supply of bitcoins. Since the US Gov does not have this ability, it is not possible to maintain a peg.
We've lived under manipulated markets for currencies for so long that no one remembers how a truly free market functions anymore.