Now, going back to topic...
Kind of like jury duty? It's an interesting idea, though I guess you might need to refine it a bit if you want to sell it to a large audience.
Yes the jury is the closest thing i know in application at a wide scale.
I guess some nice diagram would help. If i have courage i ll do it...
I wouldn't look for answers from such extreme alternative political systems as Anarcho-Capitalism though.
From the Wikipedia:
Moral criticismsSome critics argue that anarcho-capitalism is an inherent miscarriage of justice because it turns justice into a commodity, thereby conflating justice with economic power. Another argument is that private defense and court firms would tend to represent the interests of those who pay them enough.[1] Many supporters of the non-aggression principle argue that anarcho-capitalism is immoral. They argue that it implies that the non-aggression principle is optional because the enforcement of laws is open to competition.
Justice in general is pretty much a crippling weakness of AnCap. Under such a system, they would oppose all the bureaucracy and "brutal force" necessary to organise the musical chairs of anything that resembles a jury system. Not to mention that anything overseeing a jury, such as public courts, would be absolutely out of the question.
Although some AnCap supporters might be curious about the merits of a 'musical chairs' revolving democracy, I suspect they might have a lot of trouble tolerating 'forced participation'. I suspect many of them are die-hard Objectivists who took Rand very seriously, and they would be disgusted by the idea of "personal sacrifice" for some common benefit. To them it resembles Communism, and since they have absolutely no idea about Communism, they see it lurking behind every corner.
Is there justice today? Police arriving at a murder seen does not prevent it from happening. Here's a concept though:
Every human has a consciousness, which are one of the same. Every human is a good person, deep down. People do 'bad' things, like rape, murder, theft, because it is their best option, from their perspective. The only way to prevent these occurrences is to change their perspective, to get them more in tune with love (consciousness). People whom harm others have lack of control over their ego, this is noticeably evident in many child homicide cases, where the child uses a form of pharmaceutical that negatively increases their ego, often antidepressants.
So how do you instate justice? Do you kill the murder's closest loved one to make it fair? If so, where does the cycle of violence end?
Or is it possible nature has the full capacity to serve justice? We know nature is an equilibrium of everything, it's perfect, naturally. What if, rather than reacting with more violence, we allow karma to govern disputes and injustices? What if we work at solving disputes from the source, ego? We're all the same person after all, there's no reason we should disagree other than lack of understanding or personal opinion.
The universe has created a perfect system of life, as comfortable as it may seem to have an army out to protect you, any bit of control, power or violence disrupts nature. There's no enemy to fight, we're all together, as humanity. The only way to create a society of peace and justice is to increase the awareness of your neighbors, by spreading the understanding that acting out of ego (greed, hate, power, control, violence) is never justifiable and always an unwise decision.