Hello Bill and DCY Community.
I'm a long time user/miner of DCY. But been away a few years. I've got an older wallet package that still uses the .wallet file. I know the new wallet is looking for a ".keys" file.
What is the process for converting my old wallet to the new wallet that uses keys? Or is there a better process for me to somehow extract my "seed" from the old .wallet files? Whatever you guys recommend for starting again using my existing wallet from 2018 would be greatly appreciated. I have more than "just a few" coin in here that would like to access again.
Thanks in advance. Get my wallet going, then I can look at mining DCY again. Smiley
*Reposting in Italian, their native language apparently*Ciao Bill e DCY Community.
Sono un utente / minatore di lunga data di DCY. Ma sono stato via alcuni anni. Ho un vecchio pacchetto wallet che utilizza ancora il file .wallet. So che il nuovo portafoglio sta cercando un file ".keys".
Qual è il processo per convertire il mio vecchio portafoglio nel nuovo portafoglio che utilizza le chiavi? O c'è un processo migliore per me per estrarre in qualche modo il mio "seme" dai vecchi file .wallet? Qualunque cosa mi consigliate per ricominciare a utilizzare il mio portafoglio esistente del 2018 sarebbe molto apprezzata. Ho più di "poche" monete qui a cui vorrei accedere di nuovo.
Grazie in anticipo. Prendi il mio portafoglio, quindi posso guardare di nuovo il mining di DCY. Faccina
Avevo accumulato e persino acquistato oltre 3 milioni di monete della dinastia. Ho costruito e gestito un data center di crittografia commerciale che, a volte, era dedicato all'estrazione di DCY prima del 2019. Sappiamo tutti che la maggior parte delle altcoin e delle crap coin come DCY si spengono completamente. La blockchain di DCY si è interrotta completamente alla fine del 2018. Ecco perché questo thread è stato riavviato alla fine del 2019. Ho posto la domanda qui mesi fa come avrei potuto ricevere aiuto per sostituire o recuperare la mia moneta da 3 milioni di dinastia, dal momento che il mio portafoglio Dynasty Coin non lo farà unisciti alla rete perché gli sviluppatori qui hanno intenzionalmente alimentato la blockchain DCY. Quella mossa proprio lì ha tagliato fuori tutti noi che tenevamo DCY prima di novembre 2019. Come puoi vedere dai post sopra ... non sono il solo ad essere stato escluso dal mio DCY che è memorizzato sulla blockchain originale. Gli sviluppatori DCY hanno hardforked questa moneta senza alcun preavviso, e lo faranno di nuovo, lasciandoti con $ 0.000 e 0.000 EU da mostrare per questo. L'hanno fatto almeno una volta e lo faranno di nuovo !!
let me explain the situation. you wrote a lot of things due your frustration about 3milion of DCY. but before I can suggest some possible solution I want to explain what is happen.
there is not any company or business behind of Dinastycoin. Dinasty of Freedom is a no profit association composed of volunteers who have no economic return. and no one receives wages. this means that we do everything at our expense using what we earn from other jobs
We have goals that go far beyond the accumulation of money .. and even more now after more than 1 year of this impending health dictatorship that will lead to the final advent of the new world order.
For this we are working with
https://www.u-hn.org/home/chi-siamo/ and with
http://www.zion-project.org/it/zionproject/ to build extraterritorial area where people will be really free with own economic free tax and free state without taxes and without states to disturb everyone's life.
Given this, you may be against it and prefer to live in the matrix and change your cryptocurrencies into euros or dollars and continue to wear masks and vaccinate yourself
what is really happen with dinastycoin during summer 2019 after almost 1 year
after a year of tribulations caused by large miners who continually massacred the blockchain and the hardfork attempts had been useless we made 4 including a backfork to try to save what can be saved
we have always worked at our expense ... obviously and maintained servers pool etc etc
so we had to decide to close or restart
leave again but how .. doing other hardfork was stupid. everything had to be changed
so we chose to restart with the Monero blockchain .. from block 0 ...
We could simply change the name of the dinastycoin and start again with a new currency
no one would have stopped us and it would have cost us MUCH BUT MUCH less
Dinastycoin was only with Btc-alpha it was not a problem at all to change and start with a new currency.
instead we thought of all those who in some way supported us and how many would have lost time and money having bought on btc-alpha and cryptopia or even just mined
Instead we chose to keep, we worked with other programmers to create a Swap site allowing everyone to change from the old to the new blockchain.
I think you know the difference between SWAP and Hardfork so I'm not going to explain it to you
we have warned through the usual channels all starting from the Dinasty of Freedom community, and then also here on Bitcointalk there is the message that BILL had published, and then also the other social networks facebook twitter and especially on the Dinastycoin site some posts have been published. and public webinars were held.
we are not a company that makes profits with this activity and we do not want to make them .. everything is reused to carry on the project.
so being normal people like you are ... we didn't have financial resources to be able to pay for the swap jobs and keep 2 blockchains for a long time ... nobody paid us or paid us to do the swap ...
For this we have established a deadline after which the old blockchain was closed all the servers turned off to avoid continuing to have costs,
We have extended the scheduled closure at the end of March until the end of April 2020. most of you bothered to send old dinatycoins to the swap site .. others who had lost interest in dinastycoin no longer bothered to keep informed. and we are very sorry
Personally, I am the founder, at the beginning of SWAP donated ALL my dinastycoins to the Dinastyoffreedom community to keep them available for the project to finance extraterritorial areas and build a new society. and from the first block of the new blockchain I went to btc-alpha then to finexbox then now to dex-trade and coinsbit to buy Dinastycoin to recreate my personal empty wallet and support a resumption of the dinastycoin itself
Now if you want to continue to speak ill of us and dinastycoin you are free to do so ...
There are no angry followers that I know of.
We work full time on this project of which I am sure you do not even know 1% ... from what I read in your distressing and derogatory words
Maybe you could try to find out more before speaking ill of a project that is struggling against the system and the NWO.
in any case, as it was written, we are sorry for those who, despite having tried to make everyone recover, have anyway lost the opportunity due to distraction or superficiality or just because they no longer believed in us.
but you should only and in any case thank us because we thought despite being the most difficult road we tried to recover as many people as possible. As I wrote earlier we could very well start with a new cryptocurrency and it would have cost us much less
And I conclude with the solution that we thought of for those who no longer believed in dinastycoin and lost the opportunity to swap.
Before the end of 2021 there will be a new swap but it will no longer be a 1 to 1 exchange we will decide which one by mutual agreement with the whole community following the dynasty of Freedom and we will communicate the information in due time. it will be enough to follow us on the various social networks to avoid losing this second and certainly last possible one
You decide if you want to take the blue pill and continue to spread poison on dinastycoin or the red one and actively participate in the creation of a new free society