I think the bitcoin will fall because of RANSOMWARE,it is impossible/Difficult to track who did this and in futur Bitcoins will be considered as a motivation mean for such act
There is a potential negative for bitcoin when people hear that it is being used by thieves via ransomware. However, the positive is that more people are hearing about bitcoin which can increase interest.
People also should understand that bitcoin is more valuable when compared to other currency, so the person who hacked is asking in the form of bitcoin means this person belong to the country where he can exchange them into his local currency easily. If the person demands in any other form govt's will easily catch him.
I bet i could found out these group of hacker's behind this mess if, i'm given access to most of these sophisticated tools used by security agencies.
Just before this whole incident, i stumble into one trader on ebay. He was selling btc at a very competitive rate.
I bought some btc from him.The coin i bought was less than 0.1 bitcoin . He's selling this at a good exchange rate that i had to buy again from him again on ebay but, unfortunately this time his account has been restricted. Few hour's later he contacted me with a private email in order for us to conclude this transaction outside ebay. I did and everything went on smoothly.
NOTE : if, there are any developer's,IT's with the intention of developing app to address & fix the current security loopholes, it should be people who has indepth knowledge of the of this vritual currency as well. Otherwise, such security measure could end-up not providing lasting solution!