Mr Ratimov try and be [glow=yellow2,300]a gentleman that you're[/glow] 😁.
I think he just tried.
Among others, he used these expressions (some of them are archived
You have big problems with the perception of reality, GazetaBitcoin, so just go fuck yourself
You stupid motherfucker, you still won’t calm down. Not only are you an offended idiot, but you are also a fucking whore
Dumbass [...] you are a clueless idiot [...] Provocations, creating dramas out of nowhere, littering topics, eternal copy-paste of other people's works, spam translations without experience interacting with services - this is your ceiling for your worthless forum life.
(As you noticed, here he started also accusing me of what he did / does -- the copy-pasting.)
Degenerate, I understand that you are stupid from birth
You see, whore [...] you will not stop being a useless crypto idiot who is only capable of collecting rumors and copying other people’s thoughts. Deal with it GazetaCopyPasteWhoreBitShitcoin.
This is what distinguishes annoying whores like GazetaBitcoin from ordinary people [...]
I already told you to fuck off [...]
you fucking degenerate [...]
By the way, interesting fact: GazetaCopyPasteWhoreBitShitcoin was copied at conception
(I have no idea what he meant here but, as you can see, he continues accusing me of what he did, in fact: the copy-paste which brought him tons of merits. This is a dumb way of trying to distract readers attention from him towards someone else -- me, in this case. This is the same behavior used also by TimeLord.)
Ha ha, stupid motherfucker [...] son of a Romanian whore who was gang-raped.
Son of a Romanian whore
TranslatedWhore [...] you fucking idiot
TranslatedWhore, you're still here, fuck you again.
Stupid troll & shitposter. An errand dog that runs after its owner, if only he drew attention to it.
Moя личнaя coбaчкa, кoтopaя тeпepь бeгaeт зa мнoй, чтoбы oбpaтить нa ceбя внимaниe.
My personal dog, who now runs after me to attract attention.
Stupid lying idiot and whiner.
Бecпoлeзнaя тyпaя иcтepичкa, кoтopaя зacиpaeт paздeлы Tpeйдepы и Пoлитикa cвoими идиoтcкими пocтaми.
Useless dumb hysterical bitch, littering the Traders and Politics sections with her idiotic posts.
Диaгнoз: Дoлбaёб c пpoбитoй гoлoвoй. Пocлe тoгo кaк eгo изнacилoвaли вce coтpyдники WEX, зaбpaв вce eгo мaмкины кoпeйки, oнo cлeтeлo c кaтyшeк и cтaлo cpaть. Чeм гpoмчe opёт, тeм бoльшe нa нeгo нe oбpaщaют внимaниe. Oднaжды eмy пpoбили гoлoвy и вce дpyжнo тyдa нaccaли и пoтoм пpитyшили пaпиpocкoй, чтoбы нe pacплecкaлocь, пoэтoмy ecли читaeтe eгo выcep, тo тeпepь знaeтe, чeм oнo дyмaeт. Tpoлль, aльт кopнepa, флaг и тpacт aбyзep и мoя личнaя coбaчкa нa пoбeгyшкax, пocвящaeт мнe вce cвoи пocты, лишь бы yгoдить cвoeмy xoзяинy.
Diagnosis: A fuckhead with a broken head. After being raped by all the WEX employees, taking all his mother's money, it went off the rails and started shitting. The louder he yells, the more he's ignored. Once he got his head bashed in and everyone pissed in it and then smothered it with a cigarette so it wouldn't spill, so if you read his shit, you know what he's thinking now. Troll, alt-corner, flag and trust abuser and my personal doggie on an errand, dedicates all his posts to me just to please his master.
Curiously, he failed. But at least he tried.