Which country are we talking about here? Well you may be surprised to know that it is the US.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADoCnZrVVdYWhile the US Government is actively pursuing it's policy of turning a number of countries into cemeteries, it's homeland is disintegrating.
Maybe it is time for Venezuela to invade America to force regime change. That is obviously an unreasonable and eccentric comment, but please stop and reflect on the possibility of a sliver of an underlying benefit in the action.
One point of view is that the U.S. is not, in actual fact, the '
leader of the free world.' We may be in the process of being imploded ourselves even while we expend blood and treasure in our efforts directed at imploding other nations. And our policies both internally and externally are guided by a generally non-American (and indeed, an 'anti-American') hidden hand.
I've not lived in the Bay Area for nearly a decade. It's easy to see what brings people down there: 6-figure incomes. I was a 'migrant laborer' so to speak, but from a different part of the United States. The earning power differential for an Indian or a Chinese would be even more compelling.
Speaking from my experience of a decade ago, and I strongly suspect that it persists to this day, it is a misnomer to apply the San Francisco life experience to the greater Bay Area, and especially to the Peninsula (Silicon Valley proper.) In that case I would characterize life as classic 'Agenda 21' with stack-n-pack dwellings and streets which are indistinguishable from a global planning organization's computer rendering. Frankly, I would prefer stepping over used needles and human feces, but that's just me.
I was kind of amazed that people actually asked for the opportunity to work in the corporate campuses of the city even if they had to commute there. Sure enough, some of my friends to who commute there from the likes of Foster City are fairly shocked at the appalling state of affairs just getting from the train stop to their corporate office. And these are people who grew up in places like Calcutta and New Delhi!