Good coin..used to love it when laudney was on.
good luck
nothing good about it.
watch yo mouth
Reddcoin is pure shit always been, a failed attempt to reach ordinary joe...u mad?
not really.
it was pretty good..had lot of things going on if you check its old thread. I was not happy when laudney left and I had to sell my rdd...that doesn't necessarily mean I would invest again..we'll see how it goes.
not at all, i knew it wouldnt go nowhere.. no indicator was telling me its must be new to this. what's your portfolio?
what made you think it wasn't going to go anywhere?
No incentive to use, no funds, no marketing etc.
what coins are in your portfolio?
Yeah. Laudney wasn't big on marketing..I give you that...that was kind of turn off for me too.
You sure?
Community Support, Research research research, more research, look at chart to see how consistent price has been overtime, don't invest on anything that's newer than 6 months (most likely they're scam). If you have doubt about any crypto don't invest over 1% of your total investment, don't get greedy, you need to hold good crypto for at least few months before you see big jump in price so don't get nervous, don't believe anything anyone tell you use your own head.
Here are some crypto that already have good community, support, dev.
XMR (not sure about this looks risky at this point)
CANN (it has hit rock bottom so most likely going to rise)
NAV (don't buy if it's over 1000 sat..good for short term)
ETC (don't buy if it's over 0.001 wait for it to dip.. it has potential)
just monitor the market and look at all time lowest and highest price it'll give you an idea of how good it is.
good luck
you can throw 90% of those right in the trash.. BAY lmao..START is max keiser scam, BLACK just like reddcoin; DRK overrated scam; stellar overhypes hard to use nobody gets it; DOGE developer jumped ship nothing much going on waiting for BTC to make a move; SDC tries to talk their way up nobody uses it; NXT same shit as SDC no ordinary joe gonna use it; never heard of MCZ; sounds like mazacoin. ehh yea just keep it with btc,ltc,looks like u need more research to do.