Ga ada diperaturan kalau wajib untuk ngepost 50 di board Altcoin semua.
2: You must do a total of 50 Posts during the period of campaign.
3: Posts must be constructive and On-topic. Spaming, low quality posts, copy paste and off topic posts will not be counted,
4: Eligible posts must be 75 Character Long. shorter than 75 Character will not be counted.
5: Payment will be done Once, At the End of ICO.
6: keep your signature till spreadsheet updated with your final post count (allow at least one week to count posts) removing signature before post count will simply disqualify you.
Post on-topic itu maksudnya postnya harus konstruktif dan naymbung dari thread yang dibicarakan, bukan harus di board Altcoin terus. Juga jangan spamming karena bisa2 kena kick.
Kalau agan merasa sia2, lebih baik lihat dulu spreadsheetnya karena sudah dihitung stake untuk minggu ini (dan ane dapat stakenya)