Pay Nova Exchange listing with
OR 0.2 BTC
BTC would be quicker, as would have to buy NPOINTs. Also would more or less cost the same.
This is the add coin price with voting. Can vote as often as you want. Each vote costs 10 NPOINTs
So, apparently voting actually cost more than outright listing purchase price. A month ago would have
cost $2500, versus $4500 now. Also need to have some volume, or can be delisted.
All of the coins listed below, paid to be listed. Though probably paid alot less than current asking price.
A bigger delisting of coins that not have active blockchains / not working well / have no connections to wallet / have 0 trading volumes, is planned to be done 2017-09-30.
For coins without connections, please send us a support ticket if you have working nodes to that currencies. If the wallet will be connected and the blockchain is working well and there is still interest for trading the coin, we will reconsider the delisting decision.
The coins that will be delisted at 2017-09-30 is this coins:
1CR, 1Credit
ACP, Anarchistsprime
ACRN, Acorn
ALC, Arableaguecoin
APT, Aptcoin
AU, Aurumcoin
BB, Blackbit
BB2, Blackbit2
BDY, Buddy2
BEST, Bestchain
BGNR, Beginnercoin
BLRY, Billarycoin
BTCHC, Bitcoinhashcore
CALC, Caliphcoin
CAR, Careercoin
CBC, Charliebrowncoin
CDY, Coinsdaddy
CFC, Coffeecoin
CRBIT, Creditbit (old chain)
CTIC, Coimatic
CTV, Creativecoin
DEMON, Demon
DONATE, Donationcoin
DUX, Duxcoin
DXO, Dxocoin
EGAME, Egame
EMPC, Coinempzclassic
EVA, Evacoin
FT, Futuretrendcoin
GEOT, Geotoken
GSK, Giskcoin
HEXA, Hexagon
HVCO, Highvoltagecoin
I0C, I0coin
JWL, Jewels
KLC, Kilocoin
LAGA, Lastgame
LEO, Leocoin
LYCN, Lycaonpictus
MCC, Madafakacrewcoin
MGLC, Gulfcoin
MONEY, Moneycoin
NNC, Nanoteccoin
ORO, Orocoin
PAPAFR, Papafransescocoin
PHX, Phenax
PUTIC, Putinclassic
RH, Rhcoin
RYCN, Royalcoin
SHIT, Shitcoin
SHOW, Showcoin
SIMP, Simplecash
SLCO, Silco
SPN, Spartancoin
STC, Sustaincoin
STKG, Stakeking
STX, Staxcoin
SWAV, Scryptwaves
SYNQ, Bitsynq
TAKE, Takencoin
TDC, Tradingcoin
THOM, ThomasJeffersoncoin
TIC, Trueinvestmentcoin
TMPO, Tempo
TRGC, Tradeguidercoin
ULM, Unlimitedcoin
UNDEV, Undev
UTRMP, Utrump
VEIL, Veilcoin
VENTC, Venture
VTY, Victoriouscoin
WMC, WMcoin
WOK, Workercoin
X2C, Xecoin
XB, Bitcryptcoin
XBTS, Beatcoin
XCCC, Cicciolinacoin
XCHE, Checoin
XCR, Crinklecoin
XEN, Xenixcoin
XGLC, Gulfcoin
XPN, Ponycoin
XPZ, Plasmacoin
XUM, Luminositycoin
XXX, Xxxcoin
YOP, Yopony
Peace, Dennis