Looks like we're disqualified for some unknown reason.
anybody knows what happened? Another exchange is afraid of our coin?
I just talked to an admin of mintpal, voting will be up in next 24 hours and it will start from 0 again cause some brainiac had used bot in voting system!
He warned me also that if it happens again, we will be removed permanently from their site/voting system so whoever it was that used the bot, don't cause that will screw up our chanses to get there
so what you are saying is you can fuck a coins chance of ever being on that exchange by spamming votes on their coin? that seems like the shittiest setup ever
I agree it aint a wise way of voting there. I was kind of confused on system even from the beginning when I found out how it works..not sure what they were after when they designed it in first place. But I don't know anyone hating a coin enough to fck it up with a bot either on purpose.