new miners welcome! Is there a way we can ask the fusionhashpool to put a message up that miners need to be responsible for protecting the goods of a coin? (health and safety warning) I mean by that, that we want to keep a nice balance between money flowing in and selling so that everbody is a winner. As miners join us I personally as a miner would like to keep this message going. Ofcourse it is a freemarket and you can do whatever you want, but ending up in a situation like Mooncoin has to be avoided. The same has to be said about early investors, we can make or break the coin. So just think before you place the sellorder about what the consequences would be if you stick for instance a 10 btc order at 5 satoshi etc. I am not saying there is a right or wrong answer but it is needless to say that a lot of small investors will probably not buy in at 4 thinking the big wall won't be eaten. So you might kill the grow of a coin in an early stage. So try and sell in small chunks maybe or hold them
. I am interested in hearing what other miners think, maybe I talk a lot of crap and I am missing keypoints I am open for suggestions!! All I want to do is give fckbanks a good chance in evolving the more marketvalue we get the bigger a wave we can create.
Right now this coin is under development and whilst we waiting for new money to flow in from coins that are stuck like Mooncoin/ coins that seem to just lose value Maxcoin.... we don't want to add sellwalls the size of China is basically what I am saying.
honestly, dumping at this point is not a bad thing from a dedicated user point of view, the value is so undervalued at the moment it only people who have no interest in the actual message or long term value of the coin would be doing it (and losing out bigtime, just like people who mined and sold mass amounts of doge at 15satoshi)
we already have a volume of almost 20btc, which is huge for a coin just starting out, on an exchange that isn't super huge, which i find personally pretty crazy
i am more than happy about the adoption/growth at the moment, we are still in the process of 'taking over' everything and setting it up how it should be. slow and steady wins the race