tx fee should be a VERY SMALL % (I suggested 2%) of the total Input of the transaction!
So I want to send 0.1 BTC, but only have a 100 BTC unspent output... I have to pay 2% (2 BTC) just to move 0.1 BTC?!
Also 2% is not "VERY SMALL" at all, I can receive credit card payments for less fees.
Taking into account the source address. Not the transaction after it has been lumped together with many other transactions......
When a transaction is created client side and the fee is requested, It has not been added to the blockchain and sent along with other transactions at that point.
If the cost of sending 5c by snail-mail is 45c, does that mean it shouldn't be allowed?
If you control prices by calling them 'fees', you limit miner income, which reduces competition and network security.
If you allow the market to determine prices, miner income is maximised, which maximises competition and network security.
...At least that's my theory. I would also prefer a 'bidding' process, but apparently that would be "multiple-spend attempts" and some vendors rely on transaction
requests being as-good-as real
signed transactions on the block-chain.