Kaminsky ticked off the skills Nakamoto would need to pull it off. “He’s a world-class programmer, with a deep understanding of the C++ programming language,” he said.
“He understands economics, cryptography, and peer-to-peer networking.”
“Either there’s a team of people who worked on this,” Kaminsky said, “or this guy is a genius.”
Comment The Exchanges Aren't Cryptocurrency (Score 5, Interesting) 357
by Baldrson on Sunday March 23, 2014 @11:41PM (#46561463) Attached to:
Cryptocurrency Exchange Vircurex To Freeze Customer AccountsCryptocurrency is a platform and the exchanges are an app built on the platform. The security problems have been with the apps built on the platform. The peer to peer architecture is not what is being exploited. Its reckless abandonment of P2P for client server.
Tacit or overt support for when bad bitcoin guys get hacked in 2012? -doublespend timestamp:Comment Network Effect Freedom (Score 1) 124
by Baldrson on Monday February 13, 2012 @01:30PM (#39022133) Attached to: An Open Alternative To Kickstarter
Any platform that purports to be "open" cannot truly be open if its data is not in a distributed store (eg: Usenet) to which anyone can connect in a read-write mode
(eg: Bitcoin).
If a closed group maintains control of the data, it controls the platform's use and represents a takeover target by interests inimical to the purpose of the platform.https://slashdot.org/users2.pl?page=34&uid=78598&view=userhomepage&fhfilter=%22home%3ABaldrson%22==================
Comment Day Wunt Ur Jubzzz!!! (Score 1) 512
by Baldrson on Friday April 05, 2013 @06:48PM (#43374391) Attached to: H-1B Cap Reached Today; Didn't Get In? Too Bad
funny luking frenurz wont Ur jubzz!! ur jubbzzz!! deay wunturjubzz!!
(You will notice how I am not only a xenophobic racist in the above exclamation, but I am inarticulate if not down right illiterate. This merely goes to show that people of my race/gender/age (white/male/old) not only must, as an urgent economic necessity, be displaced by importing hundreds of thousands if not millions from abroad, but that we deserve to be displaced.)
Comment Good for Bitcoin??? (Score 1) 385
by Baldrson on Sunday March 31, 2013 @01:11PM (#43325605) Attached to: Ask Slashdot: Should Bitcoin Be Regulated?
The "respectable" institutions will be forced to use Bitcoin for the same reason they were forced to use Bill Gates's DOS: The network effect.
Bitcoin doesn't need the "help" of regulators to make that happen anymore than did Gates need their help to spread DOS.https://slashdot.org/users2.pl?page=23&uid=78598&view=userhomepage&fhfilter=%22home%3ABaldrson%22===============================
The Curse of the Network Effect (Score 1, Interesting) 206
by Baldrson on Friday December 21, 2012 @07:47PM (#42366077) Attached to: How the Internet Became a Closed Shop
The Network Effect is often praised because value increases for each user the more users are connected to a platform, but the problem is that it shifts rewards from being good to being merely big. This is the origin of the MS-DOS/M$ tragedy. It is also the origin of the Facebook tragedy. There are many other examples, probably the biggest tragedy of all being the Federal Reserve currency being the international reserve currency. Its bad enough when you have something like the QWERTY (rather than the Dvorak) keyboard creating lock-in to a standard but at least when you have an open standard into which people are locked by the network effect, no one is becoming a Bill Gates or Carlos Slim. Its when the network effect is turned into a business model that the really nasty effects on the society start working their dark magic.
The solution is to stop taxing economic activity (capital gains, income, sales, value added, etc) and instead tax market-assessed liquid value of assets.
Of course, not many people are going to really understand this idea so it must be demonstrated by those who do get it.
That's why we need Sortocracy.
Directly from Leith time frame, as I have already truthfully cited in this thread:
Comment The Real Crime Against Humanity (Score 1) 674
by Baldrson on Friday October 04, 2013 @01:17PM (#45037859) Attached to: The Luddites Are Almost Always Wrong: Why Tech Doesn't Kill Jobs
It is supremacist for the government to test its social theories on unwilling human subjects.
It doesn't matter how much "evidence" one can bring to bear in sociological journals, let alone pundit pieces in the fashion press of the intelligentsia, in support of this or that social theory; imposing them on unwilling human subjects violates humanity.
Quite aside from the fact that "correlation doesn't imply causation", thereby rendering any mountain of data-collection incapable of scientific proof of causality in the social sciences, it is more compassionate to let people learn live out their strongly held beliefs and thereby learn from their mistakes then it is to engender their unquenchable hatred.
Hate Speech (Score 0) 236
by Baldrson on Saturday September 07, 2013 @12:37AM (#44781829) Attached to: Most Tor Keys May Be Vulnerable To NSA Cracking
I find it offensive that you would disseminate information about how to circumvent the NSA's need to know what is going on to protect us. In truth, aren't you accusing the government of a conspiracy? What's the difference between that and accusing Jews of an international Jewish conspiracy? Are you going to start loading up government employees and officials into box cars and transport them to "relocation" camps? Its a slippery slope you're on!
Comment Re:Shit... Now where do I move? (Score 1) 103
by Baldrson on Saturday June 22, 2013 @07:35PM (#44081825) Attached to: Server Farms Flourish In Iowa: Microsoft Plows $700M More Into Des Moines
Intriguing idea. Its an engineering tradeoff:
Nebraska: Local teenage girls are being used as black tar heroin dealers vs Iowa where the person you contact to apply for energy grants from the state of Iowa is Paritosh Kasotia who assures me that the grant they gave to the ethanol plant a half mile from here to grow algae just HAD to hire folks from India and that it is wonderful because
these tax dollars are going to be spent right here in Iowa by these highly skilled gifts from abroad. You see, these geniuses are are making up for the fact that Iowa's scholastic aptitude is ranked near the top of the world, if counted as a separate country, and lord knows Iowans like Norman Borlaug just couldn't have figured out how to grow things without help from these geniuses from India. In fact, its Normal Borlaug's fault that there are so many of them so we have to find SOMEWHERE to give them jobs and, hey, Iowa fits the bill don'it?
Hate speech causes genocide! (Score 1) 190
by Baldrson on Saturday April 06, 2013 @05:53PM (#43381253) Attached to: Hatebase Tries To Scan For Precursors of Genocide In Language
Let's see, just prior to their demographic collapse, creating a population vacuum now being filled by invading populations from around the world, people of European descent were being labeled as"whites" and "racist" and "xenophobic" and "prejudiced" and "discriminatory" and "imperialistic" and "genocidal" and "supremacist", there being "no place for" them if they wanted to be left alone as that would be "segregationists".
Yep, clearly hate speech causes genocide.
Recalculate for the crisis (Score 1) 465
by Baldrson on Saturday December 20, 2008 @11:27AM (#26184175) Attached to: Hardware Is Cheap, Programmers Are Expensive
It's true that for permanent on-site work my compensation requirements are much higher,
so my advertised $8/hour for remote temporary consulting is apples to the $50/hour permanent salary annualized to $99k given in TFA. But I think it trades fairly when you consider that employers don't want to commit to fixed recurring costs in the present economic climate, and the vast majority of programming work can be done remote.
James Bowery's entire posting activity on Slashdot between December 21st, 2008 and January 2nd, 2009, a time frame during which Satoshi Nakamoto might well have been extremely busy and excited.
Between January 8th, 2009 and January 13th, 2009, James had zero posts on Slashdot. Good readers will remember the known communications between Hal Finney and Satoshi Nakamoto of the latter part of this period (cited word for word earlier in this thread) in which Satoshi tells Hal how he fixed the technical probs Hal was having with the software, and how he accomplished that fix.
James did post on Majority Rights during this period, though NOT on January 11th and 12th, 2009.
Again, James did not post on Slashdot during this period. You can go to Slashdot and see for yourself: https://slashdot.org/users2.pl?page=57&uid=78598&view=userhomepage&fhfilter=%22home%3ABaldrson%22Comment "Shut up!", he explained. (Score 1) 210
by Baldrson on Friday January 02, 2009 @05:31PM (#26305271) Attached to: More Evidence For a Clovis-Killer Comet
From Wikipedia's article on Atlantis:
In Plato's account Atlantis was a naval power lying "in front of the Pillars of Hercules" that conquered many parts of Western Europe and Africa 9,000 years before the time of Solon, or approximately 9600 BC. After a failed attempt to invade Athens, Atlantis sank into the ocean "in a single day and night of misfortune".
That's 11,600 years ago for Atlantis's destruction but TFA says it was 12,900 years ago which is 1,300 years off you idiot!!!
Oh, I can hear the loons whine now: "But but but 10% is a pretty good margin of error for a third hand report from an Egyptian priest that long ago!"
PuhlEEEAZE go back to your Illuminatus Trilogy and leave the theorizing to the Proper Authorities!
Comment Re:Recalculate for the crisis (Score 1) 465
by Baldrson on Sunday December 21, 2008 @10:40AM (#26191411) Attached to: Hardware Is Cheap, Programmers Are Expensive
Unless there is some study showing a good correlation between marketing savvy and technical savvy of which I am not aware, then even assuming you are right, there should still be a market segment for rationality at the upper end of the bell curve.
https://slashdot.org/users2.pl?page=57&uid=78598&view=userhomepage&fhfilter=%22home%3ABaldrson%22Russians will do better (Score 1) 553
by Baldrson on Saturday February 07, 2009 @02:39PM (#26766037) Attached to: Phantom OS, the 21st Century OS?
The mathematics of objects are poorly formalized. The mathematics of relations, on the other hand, are inherent in the very idea of formal language, subsuming functional as well as object oriented programming. Object orientation is being brought into philosophical question by advances in Structural Realism. I suspect something like Informational Realism will be a more appropriate approach for a mathematically strong culture like Russia to use for setting up an OS for the 21st century.
Also, unless the posts have been deleted, if that is even possible, James made zero posts between the first day of December, a year earlier, 2007, all the way until December 1st, 2008, a time during which (especially post fall 2008 economic crisis) Satoshi was surely coding Bitcoin Core as his response to the crisis. On December 2nd, 2008, Satoshi Bowery began posting again after a year off.