After a 24 hours flight, Im landed with some thoughts.
I have a many reasons to be here in this forum.
And the main of this i have a money for crypto projects!
My last experience was not successful, and others not ideal too.
So, now i feel that i'm ready for new experience!
I don't want to lose my money again. Im looking for stability projects without xxxxxxx-profit but with selfmanagement options. (pryvat keys and etc.)
I'm a beginner forum user but thinking about security all the time! )) Especially last 2 months.
It can be not a cosmic profit but stable.
The mining is not a profitable source at this moment. ICO is dead and not popular as some time ago. Also I don't have a lot of free time for trading.
So i need your opinions, advises and maybe partnership from profi and beginners.
I think that now is a best time for cryptocurrencies investments because its very quietly time.
Maybe i'm wrong, but i feel it like a calm before the storm.