This is the natural size limit, that if it is reached, will open the possibility for a market of fee.
Nodes cannot orphan blocks, only other miners can. The average node connection is therefor irrelevant.
Large miners do not stand at a significant risk to be orphaned by smaller miners, only the other way around is true. This creates a situation where a few large pools can agree not to orphan each other (and there already are examples of large pools signing on mutual agreements) and they can easily vampirize the smaller pools market share.
The reality is that without limits on the current system, connectivity will become a barrier to entry to the mining market. By nature, barriers to entry are agents of centralization. The stance of the Core team and supporting members of the technical community is that the network needs first be more efficient before it is scaled up. Otherwise, effectively removing the block size limit is akin to amplifying an analog stream with a poor SNR. The only thing you will achieve is to drown the valid signal in noise.
This argument has been laid out several times by people much more versed on the networking layer of Bitcoin than I am. If you want to engage in a discussion with me on this matter, I would appreciate that you do not ignore this criticism to large blocks. Currently, your insistence on the idea that miners will limit themselves because of orphans instead of using it as an edge to predate on their competitors indicates otherwise.
I would also like to remind you that this isn't the topic of this thread. We are here to discuss the underlying fundamentals of XT, essentially the "why XT", not so much the "how". Gavin made it clear in XT, the end all and be all of the "how" is Moore's law.
So now, to get back on topic, your answer does not refute my presentation of XT's stance on the fee market:
Indeed, say I am wrong and miners will softcap block size to limit orphans. In your best scenario, in which your analyze is right, you perceive the fee market as nothing more than the consequence of a technical limitation, not a feature. The fact that there may or may not be a fee market in XT will not be by design but an unwanted consequence of hardware limitation. Therefor, it wouldn't surprise me to see solutions implemented in XT to entirely get rid of the fee market, like implementing LN, which you are proposing.