What I really don't get is why people keep getting surprised by these cyclical economic crises. It's happening every 10-15 years, and it's been happening for every 100 years, with varying degrees of severity.
If the system is broke, then of course we're going to keep seeing these signs. We have to keep expecting it, because this is symptomatic of the disease.
Every time something like this happens, states and central banks move but only to put band aids. They're not willing to fix a system that's enriching them. Hopefully people wise up and seek alternatives. Bitcoin I won't say is the saviour, I'm not that idealist, but it's a great start.
Most people do not think that far ahead, they are only worried about what happens in their lives and nothing more, this is why they keep getting blindsided whenever a new crisis emerges and then begin to ask for answers for as long as the crisis lasts, but as soon as it is over everything returns to normal, bankers know this and they try to disguise the effects of the crisis so people stop thinking about what could be done to solve the issues that caused the crisis in the first place, but it seems to me they no longer have the means to solve the next crisis.