
Topic: Reason why most people don't grow, improve etc - page 2. (Read 384 times)

full member
Activity: 560
Merit: 100 - Mars, here we come!
It is very clear and obvious that most people do not know the difference between knowledge and understanding. There are people who have knowledge on crypto but they don't understand it. According to English Dictionary, knowledge is the awareness of a particular fact or situation; a state of having been informed or made aware of something. While understanding is the mental, sometimes emotional process of comprehension, assimilation of knowledge, which is subjective by its nature, that is to say that understanding is the application and not just application but the right application of knowledge.
Knowledge is power and authority. We have different aspects of the system, just follow up the necessary points and present promising plans for the upcoming events, involved and anticipates in legit activities to boosts your confidence of earnings. I totally understand your points, most people don't understand what it means to make sacrifice to grabbed some huge earnings. They will think it's easy until they tried it with their solidable strategies which fails, they just give up without trying again.
full member
Activity: 448
Merit: 163
It is very clear and obvious that most people do not know the difference between knowledge and understanding. There are people who have knowledge on crypto but they don't understand it. According to English Dictionary, knowledge is the awareness of a particular fact or situation; a state of having been informed or made aware of something. While understanding is the mental, sometimes emotional process of comprehension, assimilation of knowledge, which is subjective by its nature, that is to say that understanding is the application and not just application but the right application of knowledge.
That's is the nature of some people's, some have so much knowledge but they're lack of understanding, and anybody that has knowledge without understanding is just like the person is still inside darkness. Because according to people's they said that understand is also a key that leads to whatever ever you want to accomplish, as u said earlier that there are some people's that have knowledge about the cryptocurrencies but their lack of understanding. And if we look at those they only be claim that their into crypto for a while but a person that begins with in a month will know in out of crypto more than him.

However, they both work hand in hand in order to achieve a desire dream or goal. The reason why most people don't grow or improve in life is lack of understanding, they might have the knowledge but they don't know how to apply that knowledge. Sometimes, one of the reason why we lost money and some other valuable things in crypto or some other investment is lack of understanding, even the Bible said that above all, we should get understanding.
It mostly happen for many people's who lost much of their just because of understanding, that's we some of wealth established a business but they will go and employ another people's that can make the business move and grow better, and what causes it is that, they only have knowledge and ideal of think of the business but how can it move don't know.
sr. member
Activity: 490
Merit: 346
Let love lead
You're very correct, there's a big difference between knowledge and understanding and at the same time a big similarity or connection between the two which most of the time their meanings are misplaced.

Understanding comes from having grounded knowledge on a subject of interest and for you to have such knowledge on a subject to the extent of understanding it, you must avoid the following.

Lack interest: You cannot understand a subject you have limited interest in. Prioritization is a measure of your interest and regard of something, when something is a priority to you, you dedicate your time, energy and abilities to fully engage and record a success in it.

Limited attention: Limited Attention can come from lack of proper planning to appropriate enough time to something important, or being present in an environment that has lots of distractions, sometimes the distractions can come from within you. Your focus is needed to promote good understanding.

Lack of patience: You Need to take your time when studying a new business or activity. Patience is needed not to make hasty conclusions. This gives the user enough time and possibility of reviewing most or every important fact that would help in accurate decision making.

Hasty conclusion: jumping into conclusions without proper research and consultation is the beginning of big failures in all walks of life, that's making a decision before understanding what you're getting into. Just like deciding to  release your coins without confirming  funds yourself or placing a trade without studying the charts properly to observe the movement of the market.

laziness:  Laziness is an enemy to proactive approach to business. Laziness alone can rob you of success, it can lead to neglecting important processes or lack of timely engagement in promising endeavors. A lazy person had defeated himself already as they're filled with flamzy excuses to support their negligence of duties, funny as it may sound, overfeeding can make someone lazy and tired, hence the need to watch our feeding pattern not to fuel our laziness with it.

sr. member
Activity: 546
Merit: 265
It is impossible to mark an understanding towards what you are not knowledge about. Although you might not need a whole knowledge towards it but your ability to understand the nature of it in a quick note will attest you to obtain good results.

While buttressing the point on the Crypto, it is believed that some people do have knowledge and also acquires understanding towards the industry which is alike and similar but what brings about differences at it is the ability to implement and put the exercise on reality practices.

We are already told that any knowledge that is not practically proven is a void so whoever that claims to have Bitcoin or any crypto related knowledge and also understands how the industry works without prove of evidence is a nul.

It is not affordable to preach what you do not practice and that is just life.
And if you do not take part to invest in the crypto World then there is no possibilities to for you to proudly say you have either obtained knowledge and has also understood the concept of Bitcoin when you are not practically into the investment.
So, experience is the key that is assumed to be knowledge and understanding.
Activity: 154
Merit: 10
Patience is key
For the few things I've seen around some people don't understand what change is all about. If you can accept change then you can grow because growing and improvements requires change so why most people don't grow or improve it's because they don't know what change it's all about. First there's a level you'll get to then your knowledge and your understanding will tell you that it's time to improve, but most people don't get it because they're still living with non idea and there's nothing called changes in their mind.

Some people even if you give them a lot of money they'll still remain the same without no improvement or growth. So first what you need to know is that growing or improvements start with the heart not by the body same with change, there was a little boy in my compand he was playing very badly then his mom asking him to sit down, he sat down he responded to his mom that his seating down outside but inside him he's not. So without change there's no grow or improvement like our country will need changes first before grow and improvements 🙏.
Activity: 364
Merit: 89
Reward: 10M Shen (Approx. 5000 BNB) Bounty
Your post still good but e no really dey tied clearly on the point wey you dey try to make. People wey no fit grow no be say dem get knowledge about how to grow and refuse to apply it but they are just bereaved of the idea on the knowledge itself not to talk of how to apply it. To apply something, you must get knowledge about that thing, like if you get money and you want invest in cryptocurrency you also need to know and understand the coin wey you want to invest so that you fit still get profit on the investment and recover. So knowledge is important every corner wey we find ourselves but na laziness dey cause dulling because you fit research everything here too.

Thank you for your contribution but I didn't say people rather I said most people please don't get me wrong because there's a huge difference when you say people and most people, and when you say people you are generalizing it ( everybody) but when you say most people you are not generalizing it ( not everybody). 
Sometimes it's not about laziness but selfishness. Just imagine the country now, will you say the country don't have knowledge and how to apply it to make the country better or good, off cause the answer is they have the knowledge and they know 60-70% on how to apply it but they choose not to because of their selfish interest and that's not laziness.

Even in school the reason why most people don't pass examination it's because they lack understanding not that they don't know what lecturer taught in class but they don't understand it. They know that 2x -2=0, if you find x it will be equal to 1 (x=1) they know it but they don't know how to find it or they don't know the steps but the ability of one to find x passing through all the steps it's called understanding.
Understanding is very important even in the family because if you don't understand your spouse there will be a very big problem.
sr. member
Activity: 266
Merit: 205
Bro wetin you talk here no be lie, knowledge and understanding na two different things wey most people no know, them no know say understanding dy deeper than knowledge, I say so because just as the op dy so, their are so many people wey know him in person, but na only very few go understand am, that implies to skill or job also, you fit know about crypto very well, but you fit no get the required understanding on how to navigate your way around it.

Lastly, back to the topic of discussion, those two things mentioned by the op on why people no dy grow dy very much valid no doubt, but him fail to add procrastination and lack of finance,  procrastination na a major killers of destiny, most people wey dy endowed with enough knowledge and understanding wey still remain for a level na two things fit limit such a person,  which is;

* Procrastination.
* Lack of finance

Those two things have the power to limit person more than anything else, so if you can conquer this two things above, you will definitely succeed or progress as long as you get the required knowledge and understanding in what ever job or craft you are into.
hero member
Activity: 2660
Merit: 630 - Crypto Casino
Your post still good but e no really dey tied clearly on the point wey you dey try to make. People wey no fit grow no be say dem get knowledge about how to grow and refuse to apply it but they are just bereaved of the idea on the knowledge itself not to talk of how to apply it. To apply something, you must get knowledge about that thing, like if you get money and you want invest in cryptocurrency you also need to know and understand the coin wey you want to invest so that you fit still get profit on the investment and recover. So knowledge is important every corner wey we find ourselves but na laziness dey cause dulling because you fit research everything here too.
Activity: 364
Merit: 89
Reward: 10M Shen (Approx. 5000 BNB) Bounty
It is very clear and obvious that most people do not know the difference between knowledge and understanding. There are people who have knowledge on crypto but they don't understand it. According to English Dictionary, knowledge is the awareness of a particular fact or situation; a state of having been informed or made aware of something. While understanding is the mental, sometimes emotional process of comprehension, assimilation of knowledge, which is subjective by its nature, that is to say that understanding is the application and not just application but the right application of knowledge.

It is very important to have an understanding in every thing we do because a little application of it can amount to a huge progress or improvement. Even in this forum there are people  who have general knowledge of the forum but they don't have understanding, they don't know how to apply the knowledge, that is why most people keep asking why they are not recognized and why they are not growing.

However, they both work hand in hand in order to achieve a desire dream or goal. The reason why most people don't grow or improve in life is lack of understanding, they might have the knowledge but they don't know how to apply that knowledge. Sometimes, one of the reason why we lost money and some other valuable things in crypto or some other investment is lack of understanding, even the Bible said that above all, we should get understanding.
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