Though doing your own research is an important aspect for personal growth but if one get false information then such person is doomed with it, except he/she get the truth before he/she becomes victimised which is maybe unlikely. So please, how do I know a good source for legit information with consistency?
The moment I saw your thread title and read the first paragraph the first the thing that came to my mind was “DYOR, DYOR how the heck do we expect newbies to do research on things they know nothing about” to be honest I’m guilty of this too.
For one, this forum should come in handy when you’re making your research. Let’s say for a newbie who just got into bitcoin or crypto in general the first thing to do is to learn the basic of how things work that way when you’re to research on anything it’s best you know the basic and that should be anguide for them and if perhaps what they are researching on is complicated and not what they can just do on their own as a newbie they are always free to come back to this forum create a thread and ask about that subject and seek for their opinions, that could also be helpful.
Sometimes, they are news or articles we read online that turns out to be some misconceptions and as you continue to read other resources you’ll find the original news, so its certain that they’ll surely ingest some sort of information that will turn out to be false but with time they’ll come across the truth. And the more they research the better they become at it. Although practice won’t make you perfect because no one is flawless but if you keep practicing you’ll surely get better.