Recession don’t mean anything to you if you have enough passive income from your investments. Having some hard physical cash is important too. If your only cash flow is your pay-job, then you can worry a little bit because if you get fired, you will lose your cash flow but you’ll still have to pay the bills (rent, electricity, water, internet etc…) So you either have to have a side income which is mostly recession-proof or you need to have some cash so you can pay your bills in case of an emergency. If you don’t have any of these back up plans then the recession will ruin your life. Alternatively, you can cut down your expenses too. Just unsubscribe from the services you don’t use much.
Certainly, a recession doesn't mean much to someone with passive income but depending on the type of passive income, the income stream may be affected by the recession. For example, someone who earns rental income by buying and renting a house will have passive income but if the tenant loses his/her salary or job there will be disruptions in payments. Since this person cannot be removed from the house immediately in accordance with many laws, this passive income will be negatively affected for a few months. On the other hand, for someone who earns passive income through dividends, their capital will decrease and their dividend income will decrease after the companies lose value and shrink. In other words, it would not be correct to say that someone who has a fully passive income will not be affected by the recession.
On the other hand, it is absolutely very important to have physical cash in such a period because cash is more in demand during the recession. In addition, since banks are negatively affected during the recession, serious problems such as not being able to use all the savings in the bank or not being able to physically convert them into cash are also observed.
Unfortunately, those who feel the most serious impact during the recession are unfortunately salaried employees because companies undergo various downsizings and many people lose their jobs in such periods. On the other hand, while there is no increase in the salaries of individuals who have not lost their jobs there is also a decline in purchasing power due to the increase in the prices of all products by recession.