Is your paper wallet a private-key (weird big string) or a backup seed (list of words)?
To clarify your private key can look like any of the following:
Base58 uncompressed private key (note the first character)
Can be imported in any wallet that has the import option
Base58 compressed private key (note the first character it can also be K)
Can be imported in any wallet that has the import option
Hexadecimal private key (note the length is 64 and characters are 0-9 and a-f)
Has to be converted to a base58 (WIF) private key like the 2 examples above before the wallets accept it. To do that you could use this open source tool: (run offline)
Base58 encrypted private key using BIP38 (note the first 2 characters)
In this case you also must have the password that were used to encrypt this key and some wallets don't accept this type so it has to be decrypted first before you can import it in a wallet. You can use the tool to decrypt it.
Password used here is "123" in case you want to test decrypting in that tool.