Any news from the OP? Probably your password will take 365 days before it could be cracked
Nope. No messages from OP. OP was last seen on June 24. I'm guessing he ran away ashamed. He was advertising and promoting about his almighty algorithm that could crack any RAR password and simply depends on the file size, not password complexity.
See quotes below:
I am not limited to the password character, if 2 file have similar password it is advisable to send the smaller file and get the password.
PM me to get the email to send the file for vouch copy, please remember that vouch copy file size should not be more than 1 mb.
I make use of powerful algorithm methods, yes the bigger the file size the longer it takes not the difficulty of the file.
Based on the the file I sent (just over 1kb), he utterly failed to deliver despite the password being relatively simple (provided he uses proper methods).
Remember that he's only limited to file size as he as mentioned and not password complexity. Also remember that my file is about 900x smaller than his vouch limit of 1MB (see quotes above). I would presume that it'll only take a day or less considering he's advertising his "powerful algorithm methods". Any more than that would have been skid-level bruteforcing that probably anyone can do using their PC.
- Therefore, any "I was busy/sick/unavailable" reason is BS. If he does this and says "I started cracking yesterday", that would be very unprofessional service considering we sent the files a long time ago. Why on earth didn't you start working on it immediately?
- Therefore, any argument that says "Your password might be too hard" or "Your file may be too big" is invalid.
I'm calling this an attempt to scam and will leave him with negative rep until he cracks my hard-difficulty RAR file. I'll convert it to positive rep once he does that.
The password to the easy file is 1234Abcd!!! and is crackable using a hybrid attack (I would presume his algorithm is better than this attack since he's not limited to password complexity). Download the file
I'd also recommend others to do the same until he proves his service is legit.
I would not consider this libel since it's backed by solid evidence (him failing to deliver). Also, I wanted to use his service, but I was simply asking for proof. A sane restaurant would not file a lawsuit against a person that simply wanted to check if their cooked rice is actually cooked rice. Any negative feedback on me saying "pandalion98 is being a fake cop" is therefore moot.
Myth busted. My encrypted cat pictures can wait.