He says he opened a default, normal wallet. He remembers writing the words in the correct order (he wrote them in a notepad), and says he might have made a mistake, but that is not likely as all the words he provided me with exist in the possible word list
There are a lot of words which differ by only one letter. "boy", for example, could be "box", or "joy", or "toy".
also I tried to run the seedrecover tool with 2 potential mistakes and 2 different seed words and that didn't work out.
Didn't work out as in it didn't run properly, or it didn't find a result? There is no way you could have checked a complete scrambled seed phrase along with adding in two word substitutions since adding in two substitutions increases the number of possibilities by 276,824,064 times.
I'm kinda lost here, I'm running seedrecover again using your command, but I changed the address thingy to 10. Do you really think that was the problem?
Only if he used the wallet for other things prior to receiving those 0.08 BTC.
The next command I would try would be this:
python seedrecover.py --wallet-type bip39 --addrs bc1qdj7qlzrrsz03excwsgfgkez8madf2ng8xghst0 --mnemonic "word1 word2 word3 word4 word5 word6 word7 word8 word9 word10 word11 word12" --addr-limit 5
This will try the seed phrase with a bunch of different mistakes, such as typos, substituted words, or swapped words.
If that still gets no result, then things get difficult. A completely scrambled seed phrase with one or more incorrect words would require either years on your device or renting significant computing power to be able to solve, and that is assuming that there is no passphrase and we are on the right derivation path.