Russia is not a preferred destination for immigrants from the middle east. The social benefits and welfare payments handed out to immigrants in Russia are not that attractive, at least when compared to that in the European Union. Most of the immigrants use Russia as a transit point, staying there for one or two weeks before crossing over to Norway or Sweden.
Most immigrants aren't looking for social welfare but for work and security. That's all they want, before coming in Europe most of them don't even know what social welfare is...
And Russia isn't a good destination for anyone, especially migrants. You don't flee a warmongering country which is also a fanatic dictatorship to go into another one xD
No, most fo them are going to Germany and UK just because of welfare, if they were looking for jobs, there are plenty of jobs in pther countries, that they are not qualified for. Take a look at the documentaries. They are not going to Russia because Russia won't tolerate this bullshit of theirs.