WARNING to anyone considering purchasing "ReggieBot".
It is, in my opinion, an outright scam.
I did my research (or so I thought) by vetting the company, ReggieBot, Inc. for a couple weeks before signing up. I participated in their discord channel and watched their live twitch stream of trading results. I talked to some of their customers (there are about a dozen people in the discord).
Everything checked out, and the owner of the company claimed to have many years' experience:
It seemed too good to be true, but I went ahead and signed up anyway. All they required was my API keys. No other information. So I figured the worst that could happen was it would make bad trades, and I could cancel them and delete the keys.
What ended up happening was the bot got REKT during the crash yesterday, I could not access my account to cancel anything, my account was liquidated, and the owner of the company ("BotGuy" aka Michael Rothschild) deleted all relevant messages, banned me from the discord, claiming I was trying to slander him with misinformation, and that I manually modified the trades so they were not accurate to what the bot was doing.
Which is UTTER BULLSHIT. I did not change anything. Now he is going along misleading his customers without addressing what happened in any way. I should have known better than to trust anyone selling a bot on the internet. I hope anyone who reads this takes a good look at the company before trusting them. I learned my lesson the hard way.
I would be curious if someone with more technical know-how than me could look into the company to see where they are based out of and whether they are a real company. The website lists them as being from Panama. Here is a little blurb he wrote about himself on the discord:
BotGuyLast Monday at 9:57 AM
Hello ReggieBot Users and Curious Observers,
A question we, the developers of ReggieBot, are often asked is: why?
Why offer the bot if it is so powerful? Why give people access to it if it really works? Does this suggest that it doesn’t work and our company’s income is based on a fraudulent model of building subscription fees? Does this suggest that our company needs cash?
I, as a student of cryptocurrency since 2009, completely understand these reservations. The common assumptions make sense on a superficial level. I am not offended by these questions and welcome critical thinkers to our community with open arms.
I am fortunate to have enjoyed a successful career that culminated in early retirement. I built a large company that included many small companies ranging from social services to newspaper publishing to music production. Selling this company, I dedicated my life to continuing this mission woven into each of these former entities: to improve the quality of life for people around the world.
I travelled around the world over the next several years, visiting more than 120 countries to learn why quality of life is a struggle for most people. My eyes were opened to the truth that my ignorance veiled: access to financial services, and therefore, capital to develop opportunity, is reserved for a small and fortuitous few.
The truth is that 87 out of every 100 people on earth survive on less than $5 USD per day. Poverty is the antagonist to quality of life. Therefore, the reduction of poverty became my passion.
On my journey around the world, I delved deeply into the pursuit of understanding poverty and how in the modern age it can still exist. After more than a million miles flown, I came to understand that limited access to financial services is the common thread among all impoverished people. To increase one’s access to the opportunity to grow wealth, even in a small dose, is to give that person the opportunity to improve their quality of life.
ReggieBot was born years ago to serve my own Wall Street trading office’s need to make ridiculous sums of money in legacy markets. I used to fall into the trap of the opening questions: I reserved it for myself, thinking I, alone, was somehow entitled to its benefits. But as I did this, my quality of life was worsening—I just couldn’t see it until I took my trip and saw the world as it is.
ReggieBot is a small piece of a much larger portfolio of projects, technologies and causes to which I devote the rest of my life. As in my earlier efforts, my mission remains simply to improve the quality of life for anyone I am fortunate enough to serve. In this spirit, please know that it is a pleasure serving you and your family, and it is equally thrilling to see ReggieBot spread across the world.
I will leave you with this charge: I don’t expect you to take my words as evidence to disprove the claims made in the opening stanzas. I challenge you to continue to think critically and to examine the fruits of our efforts. The ReggieBot results do and will continue to speak for themselves. If it is a fit into your own financial journey, I welcome you. And if you cannot find a place for Reggie, I still wish you success and prosperity. Be well and take care.
Humbly in Service,
M.R. (BotGuy) & K.R. (BotGirl)