It seems this point was poorly worded, so to be clear - the Relay Token / Dollar are not ETH tokens and their value is completely independent of Ethereum. The Relay stablecoin system's two tokens operate on their own blockchain that inherits much of Ethereum's technology but is completely independent of Ethereum in terms of network activity and valuation. This is similar to how companies such as VeChain heavily draw upon Ethereum for their codebase but are completely separate projects. Ethereum is the most proven smart contract platform and has done many things right, so there is no need to reinvent the wheel for the core functionality of a system that utilizes many of the features it offers.
We agree that stablecoins on the Ethereum network are neither needed nor sustainable - DAI is an example of a stablecoin that uses Ethereum as collateral, and we believe that this dependency on collateral with value outside of the stablecoin system introduces significant stability risks that are eliminated by creating an isolated economic system, which is the approach that the Relay stablecoin system takes.
Thank you very much for clarification....
separate blockchain is much better thing,
and I just don't trust to much any of the etherium code base projects...
simply because of so many potential bugs.
And yes, Etherium is proven Not work so good at all.
We need some better alternative that can survive a single game, or exchange gas overuse.
But I respect your idea to create better stable coin, this is a 'must have' thing,
and I will follow your project.
Suggestion: maybe create separate Relay Bounty Thread
While we believe that Ethereum is a strong protocol that is well positioned to solve many of its current difficulties in ways that can be incorporated back into Relay, it's certainly too early in the blockchain space to know this with certainty, and differing perspectives such as yours are welcomed.
Thank you for the suggestion to make a separate bounty thread - we were not aware of this option and will do so shortly.