I am still surprised, how many people are religious and believe in any sort of a God that created earth and life. I do not want to judge them but I personally can just simply not fathom, how weird such a believe is.
I think by now, 21st century, we should have been over this and yet, entire nations worship a God that is according to them pulling the strings and telling them how to live. More people die each year due to religious punishment or extremism than from various other things we create laws against!
Now I am a huge Fan of Carl Sagan, probably the "best" public person to ever live in my view. He of course, is not an atheist (public people barely are. its bad for business) but he claims that if god are the alws of physics and the universe, he believes in god. Ok, I sign that too.
Assuming God exists as by the major religions: A god that makes you
- pray 5 times a day (muslim)?
- Worship him (all)?
- Stone woman that commit adultery to death (all)?
- forbids you to eat certain things based on no scientific reason (all)?
- Says the world is flat (Christianity)?
- Gives you foreskin just to then remove it again (muslim, jews)
- Tells you not to drink alcohol but heroin is ok (muslim)
- Threatens you to burn in Hell (Christianity)
(sorry if I wrote something wrong but its been a while since bible lessons!)
Is not a nice God.
How can one still functioning in this modern world while he still believes that this all is true and this GOD is in charge?
This thread is not to create any hatered or so against religious people. Live and let live.
I just wonder how you watch a space documentary and then go to church? How does ones brain handle this contradiction?
It is a psychological trick that helped us survive to this day. It was always better to think that that sound in the tall grass next to you was a tiger, not the wind. Even if it was the wind, it was better to assume it was a tiger and be afraid.
Religious dogma is demonstrably an utter nonsense.
I was at my son's Catholic high-school graduation ceremony yesterday, and I observed all the people during the opening and closing 'prayers'.
Most pretended they were contemplating by bowing their heads, although some I presume were actually meditating, or at least they thought they were doing it. Some were not even paying attention, fixing their wardrobe, checking their phones, smiling, looking around until our eyes locked, I naturally said hi to them. They smirked back. It was a funny experience. Amateurish theatrical performance at best. Forced, peer pressured, comical act in reality. After all that was done, we all went back to our lives in the 21st century.
My guess is that our brains have this amazing capability to isolate realities. Maybe that is why it is possible for some people to develop multiple personalities disorders.
When you talk to God, you are 'religious'.
When God talks back to you, you are insane.