I really like Dogecoin but honestly, it is extremely overpriced right now because we should not forget a fact:
Dogecoin needs to solve a big problem: it is uncapped currently. Dogecoin has no capped supply like Bitcoin, it has infititive supply!
If DOGE solves infinite supply problem, Dogecoin can reach very high prices, but right now, Dogecoin is way overpriced because it has no cap!
Wrong it is not quite what you say.
Infinite in terms of 1 block per minute for all eternity is true.
But 1 block per minute or 1440 per day or 525600 blocks a year loses impact with time.
I will round to .5 million blocks a year.
year 1 .5 million blocks all same size no 1/2ing unlike bitcoin.
year 2 1 million blocks inflation for this year was 100%
Year 3. 1.5 million blocks inflation for this year was 50%
year 4. 2.0 million blocks inflation for this year was 33%
year 5. 2.5 million blocks inflation rate for this year was 25%
year 6 3.0 million blocks inflation rate for this year was 20%
year 7 3.5 million blocks inflationrate for this year was 16.67%
year 8 4.0 million blocks inflationrate for this year was 14.29%
year 9 4.5 million blocks inflation rate for this year was 12.5%
year 20 10 million blocks
year 21 10.5 million blocks inflation rate for this year is down to 5%
year 40 20 million blocks
year 41 20.5 million blocks inflation rate for this year is down to 2.5%
so while there will always be 500000 blocks of 10000 coins every year.
the inflationary rate will always be approaching closer and closer to 0%
year 200 100 million blocks
year 201 100.5 million blocks inflation is only 0.5%
so in a way it elegantly solves the btc issue of time = 0 rewards.
I would argue that for a young whippersnapper it is a solid long term buy coin.