Removing you seed phrase from a password manager is not enough. If the seed phrase is in the password manager in the first place, then it has been stored electronically on a computer with an internet connection. You should therefore assume it is already compromised. Instead you should set up a brand new wallet with its seed phrase only backed up via pen and paper and move all your coins over to this new wallet.
Additionally, I would advise against saying your seed phrase aloud if you use voice-activated devices like Alexa, Siri, or Cortana. I don't want to sound paranoid in saying this. It's impossible to completely rule out the chance that these gadgets are listening in on our chat and that, in the event of a hack, your seed phrase will be stolen.
Rather than it being impossible to rule out that these devices are listening to you, it has been widely confirmed multiple times that they are listening to you at all times, and what you say is being transferred to centralized servers for storage and analysis. Anything you say in the vicinity of one of these devices is on a third party server somewhere, and you have no idea who has access to it.
Right now I'm using google chrome default password manager but my brother doesn't recommend it so they take me to Bitwarden that they say this was open source
Google were caught storing users' password in plain text for over a decade. I wouldn't trust them with a single satoshi.
I would suggest using KeePassXC or Bitwarden.