the correct approach to gambling should be the one most similar to a mathematical/statistical approach.
there is no such thing as luck but there is "chance", "casuality"... looking for big payouts, however are always possible on paper this is equivalent to exposing yourself to significant risks....
If you want to have less pressure in gambling, believe in luck and don't gamble often, that's the key. However, if you like a long term success in gambilng, you should play the statistis and know your chances, no game that has a house edge would give gamblers success in the long run, everyone losses on that kind of games. Though it's not the most popular, but there are still people who focus their time and effort analyzing how to win here in reality, there's no way to win, unless you cheat.
The best way to win is to master yourself in gambling using your skills, and that is only good for skilled based type of gambling. Yes there are mistakes along the way, but that's part of your long term journey, they say it's a long term process, then we do that.