(still Python, still with the code kokjo was so nice to post)
How do I cancel an order?
I only found old-api-examples (the apt where you POST your credentials directly).
Is it even possible with the newer api?
It expects:
#POST data: oid=#&type=#
#oid: Order ID
#type: 1 for sell order or 2 for buy order
For example:
How do I pass this string into the "args" variable?
Stupid.. everything else (get info, get orders, buy, sell) works as simple as passing the arguments as a JSON to the .php.
Do I have to rewrite it all just for this single "cancel" order? Or is it only possible with the old API altogether, which will be deactivated in some weeks?
..being noobish again:
I would expect something as easy as this to work:
oid = "123-124-124-124"
typ = "1"
args_cancel = {oid: typ}