Hallo dear friends of the bitcoin currency system
I followed the increasing hype around BTCs for quite a while now. Finally I decided not to only invest into BTCs but to mine them as well. I've come to the conclusion if I have bitcoins I also should make efforts to stabelize the system and to add to the systems security as much as I can afford.
For this purpose I wrote a requirements document and I hope to find a setup which will match the requirements. Here is the point you people of this forum could help me ^^ please read the requirements and please make one or more suggestions on the document as well as on hardware and software for bitcoin mining.
If I decide to use any of your suggestions I will donate 30% of the mined BTCs to the advisor <(^_^ )> for 3 months.
!== Requirements document for my personal bitcoin mining project ==!
goals of mining in this particular case:
#0# mine bitcoins
#1# getting to know the bitcoin system as a software developer
#2# the equipment must be affordable for me
#3# the equipment must be easy to be transported together with my laptop equipment
#4# the mining process should add to the security of the bitcoin currency system
annotation: as I am informed this is achieved by any form of bitcoin mining at present day. Even if one mines with a regular CPU of any given computer. This is why there is no specific requirement to implement this goal.
bitcoin miner hardware and software requirements
#0a# with the installed equipment, including hardware and software, the bitcoin mining process must be automated
#1a# all software components must be open source
#1b# all software components must have a documentation for developers
#1d# all hardware components must have a documentation for software developers
annotation: the hardware components do not need to have its circuit layout revealed.
#2a# the cost price for the bitcoin mining hardware must not be more than 80€
#2b# the bitcoin mining hardware must not consume more than 15Watt
#3a# if the bitcoin hardware requires a secondary computing unit: the bitcoin mining hardware must be working with a standard USB2.0-Port on a MacBook Pro (13-inch, Mid 2009)
annotation: this implies for mining hardware which require a secondary computing unit that the hardware must not require an active power supply in any form. This requirement is not applied on standalone bitcoin mining hardware, as the requirement states that it is only applied to bitcoin mining hardware which require a secondary computing unit.
#3c# if the bitcoin hardware requires a secondary computing unit: it may be connected to the secondary computing unit via a USB2.0-wire
#3b# the bitcoin hardware must be contained inside a single case which does not exceed the measurements 30cm, 20cm, 7cm
#4a# the equipment setup needs not to redeem itself
annotation: this does not exclude equipment which does redeem itself at any given time
#N# - identifier for a specific goal. N is a string of decimal digits 0-9.
#Nw# - identifier for a specific requirement. The goal which is associated with the given requirement can be derived by the prefix N. N equals the identifier of the associated goal. w is a string of alphabetic characters a-z.
!== end ==!
The identifiers should be used to refer to any given statement for context clarification.
Thankyou for reading and best regards
UPDATE: "StickMiners - overview of low-power 'usb stick' type mining hardware" (
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/stickminers-overview-of-low-power-usb-stick-type-mining-hardware-464496) this helped me a lot <(^_^ )>
deleted -1c- for -1d-
#1c# all hardware components must have a documentation for developers
changed annotation of -3a- for clarification purpose