Thank you for the info, but it is just for the hobby : the chip BM1384 is completely outdated.
Waiting for a stick with a actual SHA256 chip...
Maybe yes, probably not.
Good News! The brand new GekkoScience/sidehack USB stick miner called the "NewPac" utilizes x2 BM1387 ASIC chips from the Antminer S9. More info regarding specs and how to obtain one can be found here:
Waiting for a stick with a actual SHA256 chip...
Maybe yes, probably not.
yup this hobbyist mining at its greatest...
the next gen can do 100+ gh easy
Good call klintay! And you are correct about the next gen stick. It is finally here and can do well over 100Gh/s if you have a USB hub that can supply enough power. Luckily, I happen to know a guy who makes just the type of USB hubs needed to run the new USB miner at speeds greater than 100Gh/s (for those who don't, his name is klintay)!
For more information regarding that "next gen" USB miner, check here: